
The NRA's main mission is to make money for the NRA.

By the time a kid is in middle school, they are definitely old enough to make their own decisions about their hair, within reason. If the kid is that miserable, he can choose to cut his hair if he wants. Although if he were my kid, as a parent, I might try to encourage him to cut it in the hopes that he would be

Do you mind if I ask what organization that was? I'm an RN, and it is my dream to work on health issues for gay LGBT folks, but I live in a tiny town in the South, and although I have had a surprising number of gay and lesbian patients, there is nothing like that for them here.

It's serious brainwashing. I'm also a recovering Catholic, and am now a pretty militant atheist, and it's still hard not to take my kids to Mass, and I still feel horribly guilty that they don't know about First Communion and the Eucharist and all of that. It's so much a part of who I am, even though I've tried so

So basically, she's Renesmee Fairy?

So basically, she's Renesmee Fairy?

So basically, she's Renesmee Fairy?

So basically, she's Renesmee Fairy?

So basically, she's Renesmee Fairy?

So basically, she's Renesmee Fairy?

If you guys are generally happy and have a good relationship, I wouldn't worry about it. I think everyone feels that way sometimes. I know that when I'm pissed about something, sometimes I'd love to be able to yell about it without my husband getting all pissy in return. :)

I already knew that the Mammy stereotype was horrible and offensive, but that was an amazing explanation of exactly why it is horrible. I seriously want to save it in case I ever come across someone with a collection of Mammy dolls so I can make them read it.


Birth isn't always rough on the vagina—mine was tighter and way more sensitive after my first childbirth, and I had an insane hormone swing that had me literally running after my husband, begging—BEGGING!—him to have sex with me three weeks after birth. He refused and said I was scaring him a little bit.

Was it really that shocking? I thought midwives performed nipple stimulation (or more commonly, had the husband or wife do it themselves) pretty often.

There is an annual registration fee to be a Boy Scout—it appears to be $15 a year. Also, unless you bought your uniform from a non-Scouting approved store or got it used, and unless you directly paid a campground to use their facility, some of your money went to Boy Scouts.

It costs money to be a Boy Scout. Most of that money does not stay in your local, gay-and-atheist-friendly troop; it goes to fund the nationwide organization. That's like saying, "It's fine that I'm a Catholic—the church in my town is wonderfully open minded and never protected child molesters!" That's great, but if

OMG, please let me come eat with you! Sriracha + pork = love.

It's essentially saying, "As long as shitty prejudice and hatefulness don't affect me, I don't have to work to change it!"

That's awesome. There are only two Girl Scout troops in my small town, and the leader of the one my daughter is a member of is a lovely person who is happy with the GS policy of welcoming all girls. The leader of the other troop just quit the Scouts to go lead a troop of American Heritage Girls because she hates gay