Chris Puckett

Until today, I had no idea that Yellowstone was a political issue. I feel like such a sheltered and naïve scientist.

"Mother" and "Father" are secretly planning to give "The Boy" a name for his fifth birthday.

if the kid actually calls his parents "mother and father", that's kinda creepy too... who does that in real life that isn't a serial killer?

In defense of the crackpots, sooner or later they are going to be right. It may just take a few hundred millennia.

That's pretty normal, for bloggers. What creeps me out is that he apparently calls his parents "father and mother"- is he a wee Dickensian child?

I didn't realize Al Capone drove a stock car.

You're completely missing the point of the visualizations, and this post is a perfect example of the fundamental problem here.

Asked whether the park would try to evangelize its visitors to Christianity

It's not really that important. Just let it go.

"Pro: Shooting up a bunch of Republicans and Tea Baggers 'cause it's Texas."

No one forces me to read and/or visit io9. but I look forward to visiting this site for the terrific article on scifi or science fact. If I wanted liberal-leaning political commentary, I'd read HoffPo or Slate.

If someone is dumb enough to think their dog is as smart as a 16 year old kid, it might be because the genes they passed on to their teenagers were so bad that their dog actually is as smart as their 16 year old kid.

have to post

I like the ending of "magic" but is there a reason elves couldn't change the size of their pupils or something? My camera can zoom in, why can't my elves?

It's Fox - if it was good they would just air the episodes out of order and THEN cancel it. So this saves a step.

Or, the 'professional looking" military is expected to meet standards and conform to regulations most of which have very practical military reasons. Limited facial hair=protective mask seals, short hair reduces possibilities of lice in close quarter living, physical fitness requirements set high as the primary

If you read the article then why did you ask a question that was answered by it in several instances?

How about PARENTS?

DS9 was the greatest series. It doesnt get nearly enough credit.

J.J. Abrams, Leonard Nimoy, previous Star Trek writers and producers, and scientific consultant Carolyn Porco describe and commend the optimistic and enduring vision of Gene Roddenberry.