Chris Puckett

And then many of them would have no job and no way to eat with no money to go home, but hey, your conscience would be clear the next time you got your nails did.

Except it has the capability to actually hold more crap in it while looking decent. You know, two things people really care about?

They’re not enabling him, we, as a society, are enabling him. Our prosecutors working in tandem with people in power that are protecting him are enabling him. The fact that he gets a few million for tackling people is NOT enabling him. He’d be a woman beater if he was living in the slums, being a millionaire is not

I’m a big football fan and I couldn’t care less. The fact that he can run fast and tackle people and subsequently gets a job because of this doesn’t bother me one bit. What I DO care about is the fact that this joker didn’t get jail time BECAUSE he was an athlete.

Thank you. The issue here is the guy didn’t go to jail, not that he got a job playing football. Same with Ray Rice, or Greg Hardy etc. etc. Let’s be angry at our judicial system, which is supposed to PROTECT US from predators, not the employers who give them a job based on their talents.

You do realize that the looting and violence only reinforces the negative stereotype that blacks are violent and dangerous right? It’s not fair and not correct, but it’s a reality.

YEAH! And the boys can come to school in only their spidey briefs damn it!

Logger walks up to tree and wonders "Will tree fall on me?" If it starts to move towards him, he tries to dodge it. It does no good to tazer it or shoot it, it's a tree.

Potentially being killed by inanimate objects is not the same as potentially being killed by another human being. I'm not excusing this horrible Slager guy, I'm just saying, it's not an apples to apples comparison.

Yeah, it’s pretty awesome. As a consultant I visited 39 states in 5 years and I ALWAYS had a direct flight, even when going cross country. It was nice.

Oh, I agree, if you pay the players it can only be a small amount. Here’s the kicker though: if fairness is your goal, then you have to pay ALL athletes, regardless of field. The equality bit doesn’t apply here, because by definition they’re all amateurs and can’t profit off of their sport. Regardless it doesn’t solve

Yeah, but you can't compensate a student based on the revenue they bring in. Programs like Duke (in basketball) and Alabama (in football) would have even greater recruiting classes. It would eliminate all but the highest programs from any sort of fair competition.

Yeah, you can't have it both ways. If you pay players for performance quality, then they will go places that give a greater chance. Not all of them mind you, but most of them.

The only way to do it is to pay all players, but then the NCAA would lose money hand over fist, because they'd be paying the curling teams the

Since the author seems so pro-pay the players, what's the right number? You clearly can't pay them a chunk of the revenue they generate, otherwise that would lead to an even greater imbalance in the recruiting picture as programs like Duke in basketball and Alabama in football have a much larger exposure factor. If

Listen, I don't know you obviously, and you may be exceptionally bright and if so getting into a school like that was, in reality, not that hard. But I have friends and family that have painstakingly pursued dreams of an Ivy League education, graduated with a 4.0 (unweighted) and 90th% SAT score and not get in. They

Unless you're going to give a specific company name I'll continue to call BS. Nobody makes 135k straight out of college unless you work at some sort of startup and are including stock benefits.

Like 7-8 hour work days, working from home in my pajamas and actually being able to go see my kids participate in things.

He never said someone who worked hard was an idiot, he said people who put tons of time and money for some big name school are idiots, regardless of how hard they work. If you were one of the few that actually had the talent to qualify for full financial aid his comment clearly didn't pertain to you as neither money

I call BS to 135k first year out of college. Pray tell, how were you making that much? Even the big 4 don't pay Ivy League grads that much straight out of undergrad. I know, I work for one of them as a 3rd party consultant. They work 10-12 hour days and even if they DID make 135k straight out of college it

I'm with you on this one. State school, cost $6k/year which was largely covered by state available scholarships provided you kept a 3.0 or higher, met and married my wife there and I was cracking 6 figures at 30. Yeah, I'm not some high money roller, but I work at an engaging job that usually only requires 7.5 hour