Tolkien Black Dude

So it took me two nights to finish High Rise, the first night I was a little too stoned for my own good and figured it would be best to watch it sober. Both times I was left confused. Good flick though.

I know what I'll be doing tonight.

I think this a convenient way to get his powers back and to also allow for the show to come up with a new set of meta humans for season 3 episode fillers between the Grodd storyline. Plus Wally and Jesse could finally join team Speedster.

Fair enough, I keep forgetting that the two earths play by different rules, it's hit and miss. Like with Vibe and Reverb, or Killer Frost but regular Caitlin.

Plus Laurel wasn't a meta, Cisco made the tech. Zoom could easily just take the necklace thing from her, no mask necessary.

He blasted the lake, but only enough to make a big splash. Phoenix resurfacing is what dried out the lake or whatever.

Shouldn't we though?

Goddamnit, no more love interests. Unless it’s Beta Ray Bill. Cap, Buck, and Falcon have their bromance, Tony has Rhodey and Banner.

Or the line "I have to go to Gotham and convince him to help me, or he has to die. No one stays good in this world."

I thought it might be Steppenwolf. Unless we’re barking up the same tree?

I must steal this from you.

The only one I ever cared about.


Works for Marvel.


Coulson has a fancy new flesh colored robot hand.