Thundercunt? Because thunder.
Churches chicken tastes like hate.
That's what I'm waiting on, Team Chaos. Or Team No-Fucks Given.
I must steal this from you.
As a Reno resident, I had thoughts of trying to figure out a way of sealing off the Reno Ballroom and lighting that place on fire. But I'm too pretty for prison and there was football to be watched.
I watched Concussion last night and I enjoyed it, it certainly didn't leave me with any feelings one way or the other regarding the NFL but I thought it was a decent enough flick.
Enjoy. Like I said, I had to find the subtitles separate from the movie so the color might seem out of place but it should be just fine.
I have it, had to do some digging to find the subtitle files but it's a legit legit as can be expected from the interweb anyway. Yours if you want it.
Was that a goddamn xbox controller at 0:23?
Poor Maude.