
If you’re stupid and selfish while operating a forklift for your job, for example, they take away your forklift license, and the job you needed it for. What I’m saying is they should do the same for cars, and you better believe people would shape the hell up if they did. These things are trained in from birth (unless

Well fortunately you’re not in charge of this. 

Lol, 2.8M people die every year from obesity. Call me when they start regulating McDonald’s food and forcing people to exercise.

Being “too stupid” or “too selfish” are both training issues. If they can’t be overcome then that person needs to not be allowed to drive at all.

I’m sorry, but this sounds really dystopian. The idea that they’ll stop at requiring speed limiters is laughable, this will definitely morph into some kind of “driving credit score” that’ll give the insurance companies so much ammo to fuck us even more.

So go ahead and limit the speeds and people will still die in droves because the speed is not the issue, it is driving fast while distracted by ones phone that is the issue. Taking away higher speeds is not going to fix the rampant stupid that is prevalent on the highways.

“Speed was a factor” is such a funny phrase to me. Yes of course it was a factor, if no one was moving, nobody would have ran into anything! Speed is a factor at 10 mph when a truck runs over a pedestrian!

Imagine blowing billions of dollars chasing the next big technological revolution all because some idolized attention seeking narcissist was willing to promise the world it would be here “next year” over and over and over again. When in reality he was offering essentially the same fucking driver assistance as other

He recommends relying on extension cords only for the temporary use of low-voltage devices, like charging your phone, or plugging in a TV.

I tried, but he’s busy becoming a poor.

FIRST with stupid asshole reference!

Budget baller prior ownership + VAG mechanicals. What can possibly go wrong?

A random stranger can’t, say, put you in prison for doing something that is harmless but because of politics has become illegal, but the government can. In that way, random strangers buying your information is less catastrophic than the government doing the same thing.

Yes, our passenger train system is sorely lacking.  And the recent (last 20 years) to establish HSR systems have been abject failures.  A train can’t go fast enough to be considered HS if it has to stop every 40 miles.  I’m talking about the steaming pile of dog excrement that is the California attempt at a HSR line

Riding an Acela after riding a European train is a good way to realize what a mess our trail system is. Giving those things pointy noses makes as much sense as sticking a monster rear wing on an old piece of crap economy car - it will only matter in your dreams.

That’s the entire point of the article; the ludicrousness of all of it. No one in 2022 is mourning the death of a Queen they never met, has never really worked a day in her life, never gone hungry, never paid a dime in tax, and had absolutely NO idea who you are but requires you to ‘pledge allegiance’.

Yeah, saw the leaked photos a coupla hours ago and was thinking from the top view “Damn, GM finally got the Cama... Oh wait it’s Mustang”. On the ground though it looks fully Mustang.

I like it though, the Dark horse (effectively Mach 1 with 20 more horsepower) doesn’t really grab me so I’m excited to see what they do

As silly as this might sound, no physical buttons for climate control is a major no for me.

One plus of high-performance Fords is that the engines are just normal engines turned up to 11, and so if you’re just driving them as normal cars they’re dead-reliable. I know somebody with 75k miles on a GT350 who’s had no engine troubles at all and no servicing outside of regular maintenance.

Not sure exactly what the motor is shared with, but the main benefit of the non-exotic motor is that it is mostly a normal engine that can handle use/abuse.