We can call it “the Segway effect” or “Kamening.”
We can call it “the Segway effect” or “Kamening.”
This may sound pedantic but it’s really important: “Science” doesn’t know anything. Science is a process that allows people to figure things out to the best of our abilities - which themselves are ever-improving thanks to rigorous scientific investigation.
Yeah, came here to post that the traveling salesman one is particularly poorly phrased. What it should say is, “we don’t know how to train computers to solve the traveling salesman problem efficiently.”
Speed humps are an ineffective band-aid approach to a problem that in most cases simply does not exist but is rather an invention of overanxious neighbors or of speed limits set too low statutorily.
So your only arguments are that some of my stated positions align with those of a larger group (fallacy of guilt by association), that I use the modern definition of a word instead of adhering strictly to its etymology (pedantry), and that you like to call people names (ad hominem)?
I mean, I’m absolutely amazed that Marin County, home of the anti-vax movement, went so all-in on COVID vaccines. They got to 90% in no time flat.
Wanted to bait with a misuse of "begging the question" but thought this was funnier.
While you’re defining things for me, would you look up “ad hominem?”
Do you really trust technology that much to be infallible? Why should everyone in the US have this fallible, breakable device in their cars? What are the resource use implications?
The NMA is probably the only organization which consistently advocates for better driver training.
I don’t think that we can continue this discussion as you seem to be ascribing broad brush positions to me, which I have not espoused. Particularly your assumptions regarding my political views, my profession, and my views on what constitutes tyranny. (You got them all wrong, BTW.)
It’s not just for people who have been convicted - it’s now proposed to be a guilty-until-proved-innocent “feature” of all cars:
How about the wackos who oppose nuclear power despite its obvious carbon and public safety benefits over any alternative? Or the people who have continued to wear masks outside? Or decry the entire enterprise of scientific inquiry with cries of moral relativism, that science is "just another belief system?"
Just read the fact sheet: https://ww2.motorists.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/dui-fact-sheet.pdf
As a leftist, don’t think we have just as many science deniers. Ours are “spiritual,” New Age, or moral relativism junkies.
MADD lost all credibility when they stood with Uber and Lyft to support Prop 22 in California.
The NMA is very much against distracted driving and is the only organization I can think of which wants to place MORE responsibility on the driver and driver training for prevention of crashes. Draconian actions like cell phone bands and speed humps don’t work and fail to place the blame for crashes where it belongs:…
Go to the website and read the actual positions. The NMA is for reasonable traffic laws that do not unfairly punish drivers for traveling safely. Among other things, the NMA opposes draconian and corrupt red light cameras which serve to enrich Redflex, and civil asset forfeiture, which violates your 4th Amendment…
I think you’re deliberately missing the point. There are so many confounding factors when it comes to crash severity that it is not accurate to simply point to F=ma and say, “see, speed is dangerous!” (Plus, a is delta v over t, not v itself, so even if you’re talking pure physics you still need to account for delta v …