
So... Taco Bell enchiladas? Seems too easy.

Citation, please, on the odds thing? Otherwise you're right on, the Solomon curve has been proven right over and over again for the past 70 or so years. But most of the Solomon curve is about the frequency with which interactions happen at higher speed differentials.

That is most definitely not how our driving laws operate. If it were based on the “smallest chance of injury or loss of life,” as you suggest, then driving would probably be illegal. As would most things that we do. Certainly, alcohol, caffeine, and aspirin would be illegal.

There is a world of difference between driving rapidly and driving recklessly or with some other impairment. I would bitch about someone who drove the lap drunk at the speed limit.

Yeah, but the odds of that are comically low. Driving, even in normal circumstances, simply isn't particularly dangerous. It's just riskier than most other things we do on a daily basis.

Then he'll be publishing for a very long time.

There's a difference between driving fast and driving recklessly.

Fourth, dub the audio from a different car.

As a pansy ass left winger, I must say that I am in full support of these records and am tired of the moralizing nonsense.

Wrong. As NYC declares war on the car, these actions should be celebrated.

Because there actually is a difference between fast driving and reckless driving.

Enough with the performative finger-wagging. The point of these records, dating back to the Cannonball, was to prove how ridiculously conservative our traffic laws are. It's not surprising that the Cannonballs, or these records, ended safely because the drivers were actually paying attention. A lot of attention.

Yeah, this story really needs to mention that the cyclist was running a red. Not that it forgives the driver, but it is extremely important context.

Do farmers usually remove the little flow restrictor from their showerheads? Is that why California is out of water, not that it’s mostly a desert climate with virtually no rainfall?

Having lived next to the Great Lakes and in California: That is not how water shortages are created.

I’d also throw in: dying while traveling. Whether by car (which yes, is quite risky relative to other things we do but extremely safe compared to every other form of ground transportation we’ve ever adopted at a mass scale), by train (except that one in Florida), or especially by air, dying in transit is just not

And for anyone who complains: I-5 is almost intolerably boring with the speedometer in double digits.

Not true. Management/shareholder capitalism is structured to avoid long-term thinking. If you can make a profit today at the expense of tomorrow, you do it unless you have a really unique corporate governance structure.

No, but they do lower prices to stimulate demand or drive competitors out of business. 

Or because high gas prices are regressive. Or because a regulator forces them to.