
Yes, those old Soviet reactors had so many critical design flaws. All of the old BWRs did, but the Soviet ones were particularly bad. 

Please, please yes.

What’s wrong with going 90 on a freeway? The rest of the world figured out how to do it safely decades ago. And so did we - the Pennsylvania Turnpike didn’t have a speed limit when it opened, and lots of roads built in the ‘40s were designed with 100 MPH curves. See old Route 66 in downstate Illinois, for example.

So what? I’d prefer to be not hit by somebody going 80 than to be hit by somebody going 30.

I’d say that the problem is, people living with congestion forgot how to drive on open roads.

Not one part of that phrase is true. Both total road deaths and road deaths per vehicle mile traveled are far below the peaks set years ago. It’s not even close.

Driving is a skill which requires a license. While training is too lax and testing is too easy, that still does not relieve us of the responsibility to apply our skill to driving.

Yep. We need to design with human nature in mind, but that doesn’t forgive us the responsibility to be in control of the parts of driving which are in our control.

Philly being Philly.

I think it depends on the noise level, and if you can hear better out of one ear versus the other. I find it’s helpful to have that directional sound to make somebody’s voice stand out over the (stereo) din.

Dick Charleston : [after noticing that he is incorrectly seated next to his own wife, Charleston asks to switch places with Wang. An instant after they both stand up, two rapiers fall from the ceiling to bury themselves in the gentlemen’s chairs] ... Just as I thought: another test that could have cost us our

How about, “powerless to do anything about the protestors without making things substantially worse?”

‘Cause Waco isn’t still used by anti-government types as a rallying cry, almost 30 years later.

(I’m not suggesting that either a violent or a “let the babies tire themselves out” approach is better. They’re both going to produce bad outcomes. Just suggesting that sending in the military isn’t necessarily better.)

1996-1999 Chrysler Sebring convertible with the Mitsu V6 has two of the above annoyances:

Yeah, “Wheel of Fortune” contestants are morons for this same reason. I can’t even watch anymore because nobody plays strategically.

Don’t be obtuse just to make a point. A Chiron running an average USPS route would get scary-low mileage.

Also, in states and cities with good renter’s rights laws, putting small holes in walls doesn’t count as damage and so it can’t be considered for your security deposit. I mean, if you’re putting in drywall anchors, then yeah. But picture nails? Nope.

This will be eye opening. Here on the other coast, there really isn’t a good understanding that engineers are being given quarter-million dollar bonuses. 

Sunroofs and manumatics are completely region-specific. Never used a sunroof except in California, where I use it all the time. Manumatics are pretty useless in flatlands but essential for engine braking in hilly areas.

Exactly. "Because he has the same prime minister as me" is a really dumb reason to like someone. Plus, if we went by residence and team HQ, we'd only ever hear the anthems of Monaco and the UK.