
Isn’t it the same story? FSD/Race Director seems to be doing something reasonable, then makes last-second buffoonish decision that leaves one driver with no chance to react carefully?

Hey, they’re the only state within 400 miles who seem to know how to plow I-95 during a storm.


Sounds great. So let’s take out the middleman and just make it free to the user and paid through progressive income taxation.

Common sense isn’t common, especially when it comes to Internet comments which can often be taken over by market libertarians who actually do believe that all goods should be priced.

My bones!

Do the homeless not have a right to transportation?

OK, this may have been true in the ‘80s, but once the cocaine haze wore off and all the stockbrokers’ 911s were wrapped around trees, the stigma of being on mass transit has gone away.

Yep. We should make all forms of transportation as cheap as possible if we want an equitable outcome. That’s why I’m for free-to-user transit and roads, funded via a progressive taxation system.

This is straight-up false. Broken windows has been conclusively disproven.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. COTD/W/M/Y.

That’s just not true. There are so many examples of free-to-user stuff out there that’s valued. Parks. Public schools. Hugs. Sunrises.

This is a myth that needs busting. We value lots of stuff that’s “free” - public schools, for starters. Sunrises... who paid for those?

That’s an insane amount of money to pay for equipment to keep people out of transit :-)

That is pretty impressive by transit system standards. I think Caltrain in the San Francisco Bay Area might still be higher, but that’s because it’s a single commuter line (no loss-leading services) and it was actually required by law to meet a certain level of farebox recovery, at least for a while.

If it’s a star-shaped crack, buy a kit like this one:

I guess we’re falling back into the realm of the anecdotal, so maybe best to leave it alone... but I’ll just note what you mentioned about POPS - the difference isn’t between they're free or not, it’s whether the space places resources to support public safety.

OK, so no cameras :-)

Thank you for the equally detailed and considered response. I understand that you believe that I am wrong, but appreciate that we both know that the other person is making a considered argument rather than an overly-simplified knee-jerk reaction.

By “operators,” I mean bus drivers, since this article started with a discussion of free bus services. Surprised you haven’t heard that term before, since it’s a standard descriptor in most transit agencies for these workers.