
Don’t forget, it’s also taking longer to build than the entire original BART core system!

I feel like we as a community might want to institute a “no gatekeeping” rule for stuff like this. Yeah, it’s dumb. But it’s also sorta cool? And it portends cooler things?

The correct answer is, “Yes, of course. Just give me your credit card number and I’ll totally pay off your balance.”

One wonders if it would be cheaper just to mandate smaller cars...

Sorry to hear about the fire, glad that the pads were able to help you (and the cleaners)!

I bet the guy who was driving the safety truck that ran into the other truck agrees.

Good point. Maybe “reliably perfect” is a better standard.

“He thinks, quote, ‘sexuality is a continuum and he is but a voyager on a vast ocean of pleasure.’”

OK, let’s unpack this one item at a time:

Oh my... so many levels.

One thing to note: she was always screened by security and never had any weapons or anything else that would have disqualified her from passing through security - except for not having a boarding pass.

Now playing

Not to be insensitive... but I laughed and thought of this.

I just want to thank you for bothering to use a photo of O’Hare instead of a random airport.

Computer translation has certainly improved over the past decade with the introduction of machine learning models. But your second sentence - “I wouldn’t use it for a legal document” - tells the story: with machine learning, the first 90% are easy, the next 8% are terribly hard, the next 1% is nearly impossible, and

Agreed. I mean, there are lots of 100% computer-driven transportation systems. They’re called people movers, and they operate on their own rights-of-way.

Just watch the last video. That’s the scary one. The rest are normal, but overly cautious - well within normal human parameters. The last one is... not cool.

The Turing test could easily be replaced with a Left Turning test. It’s about the most human thing we do.

NYC streets were fine before the city started shrinking them...

No, you were being children!

Training? What’s training?