The bill, in theory, wouldn’t need any Republican support but Democrats have Republicans in their ranks posing as Democrats.
The bill, in theory, wouldn’t need any Republican support but Democrats have Republicans in their ranks posing as Democrats.
Sorry for the confusion. What I’m suggesting is, none of us have the authority to set an arbitrary limit of who’s going fast enough and who isn’t. So in the absence of such a set rule, the courteous thing to do is just to make sure that you don’t get in anybody else’s way.
I'm confused. You're the one claiming to know how far over the limit is far enough.
So, you get to be the arbiter of how fast is too fast?
Yes, I did watch the video, but thank you for checking.
If the Tesla had been passing fast enough, the BMW never would have caught up to it.
All I'm saying is, people need to feel shame for holding other people up. :-)
It’s a Tesla. It can out-accelerate anything else on the road. Just stick the potentiometer, get past quickly, and move back over. Passing should be done efficiently. The extreme version of the alternative is when a governed truck wants to pass another governed truck. 65 vs 64 MPH, it takes forever.
Also, for the record, that white truck isn’t following CVC 21655, which states that it must be driven in the rightmost lane except when passing.
It’s the responsibility of the driver to make the pass efficiently once getting into the passing lane. The BMW (along with society) is the victim.
It still counts as camping if you don’t make the passes efficiently. Just let the faster vehicle pass.
At worst, the BMW probably knew that the Tesla was on Autopilot and that he could disengage the system (and wake the idiot driver up) by cutting over quickly.
Huh? The only reason this happened is because the Tesla was in the left lane.
In the immortal words of George Carlin, “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot and anybody driving faster than you is a maniac?”
Yeah, following a Tesla on Autopilot is like following a drunk driver: they make all the right moves, but over-exaggerated and way too late.
Slowly. And then chilling out in the passing lane. At the very least, the Tesla should have turned on its right turn signal to indicate that it would move over at the earliest safe opportunity.
It shouldn’t be a setting - it should be mandatory.
So... be more careful before you pull out to pass someone, and do it faster.
Victim? The BMW is the victim of an idiot not knowing how to use the passing lane.