
It’d just be a ridiculous unequal world, where the rich (who emit most of the carbon from flying by far) continue to do so with impunity while the rest of us could admire them from afar.

Because people on the freeways don’t stay to the right except to pass anymore. Forces the lane changes, which cause the crashes. There’s plenty of blame to go around.

732 fewer people to die of frostbite?

Numerically, Dusdaddy is right. Untrained, uncaring morons kill way more people than these one-off idiots.

Speed and showboating are fine... if done safely. No gatekeeping except in cases where an actual crash occurs. As George Carlin observed, “anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.”

Exactly. For those who can afford to have two cars, it’s going to be the EV for daily and the ICE for long trips and fun.

Yep, that’s what safety regs on top of safety regs on top of safety regs gets - a safe resolution to a rare-but-happens event!

Unlikely that such a thing would lead to an uncontained engine failure.

The audience ruined that bar sketch by laughing at every line. The point of those sketches is how they build, but the audience went straight to 11 and killed the timing.

Maryland drivers in snow. They seemed to think it’d be safer to drive up I-95 in a pack.

I don’t mean to be rude, but... how in the world did you scrape your car against a fixed object? Did it move unexpectedly?

This is the same mistake that George Lucas made with the Ewoks. Kids don’t want to be kids, they want to be Han Solo! So no “junior” versions of cooking shows - if anything, they’ll just feel bad about not already being able to cook restaurant-quality meals at age 6.

New F1 teams must pay a huge one-time entry fee, which sort of serves the same purpose. I’d suggest that the only difference is that forcing an annual entry fee amortizes what would be that large one-time cost over several seasons, which makes the series slightly more attractive (from that one perspective).

Just add one line to the end of the F1 regs: “or all-electric.”

Agreed when it’s a consumer-producer relationship, but I think this is a little different - and certainly closer to an agreement between equals compared to the consumer example.

not that shitty 2000-era remake

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