
Kids are a nuclear bomb on your finances, there's just no way to get around it. Daycare is an absolute killer. And about the time you dig out from under having your first one, it's about time to have the second. My kids are 7 and 5 and it's only been in the last year or two I feel like we're truly "caught up" - and I

Really cool interview and seems like a pretty fun guy to be around. I only disagreed in one part - with film what you see is what you get. Totally not true.

Glass does not belong anywhere near a pool!

Or, "How to destroy a spoon with a common can".

Indeed. Personally, I have my wonders about the NSA's encryption breaking technologies - I'm familiar with the Agency and I can tell you that if anyone has a way of cutting through most consumer-grade encryption, they're the people that can - but even if they can't, they can just capture and hold encrypted data long

I say white people should get up in arms about this.

As an architectural (*cough*and web*cough) designer, I've only had the opportunity to design something quirky like that a few times. I'm always looking for an opportunity to make a client's house fun and different.