Chris Croy

@CynicalPink: What are you talking about? Hollow point rounds are completely appropriate for home defense. Half the point of using hollow point rounds is that they are less likely to overpenetrate and kill people you can't see.

@Triphena: It's just a bad sentence. The author's trying to make two points: First, most men are not rapists. Second, to drive home what "5.8 rapes per rapist" means: The 76 repeat offenders in the sample were responsible for over 400 rapes. #rape

@Triphena: It's just a bad sentence. The author's trying to make two points: First, most men are not rapists. Second, to drive home what "5.8 rapes per rapist" means: The 76 repeat offenders in the sample were responsible for over 400 rapes. #rape

@GlinCastleGirl: The overwhelming majority of the time when someone shows up to the hospital with a burn, the honest answer to the question "How did this happen?" is more likely to be "I'm an idiot who managed to spill boiling oil on my leg trying to fry a corn dog" than "My husband poured boiling oil on my leg to

@PrisonBreakShaker: This blog post may be very relevant to your interests. I cannot tell you anything more except you should read her past posts about Eli Roth.

If you like the CYOA books, look up Gamebooks. Gamebooks started as the answer to how to play Dungeons & Dragons by yourself. You played them with some dice and a sheet of paper to keep track of all the things you found, your health, your abilities, etc. You'd roll for skill checks or to win combats and so on. As