Haha. Seriously. Twitter is absolute cancer and I really hope this kills it. It often feels like Twitter is THE single most responsible source for the decline of journalism. Seems like half of formerly “legit” news sources now spend inordinate amounts of time broadcasting a bunch of random dipshits’ twitter hottakes…
Man, I’m not looking forward to several months of *bloggers mourning Twitter and pretending it was good*.
This has been a huge benefit of working from home on quiet days when our kids are in school. By the time we go to bed most nights we are just exhausted. Having the daytime option is wonderful.
I feel the same when i see a person driving alone in their car with a mask on, or at the park all alone with a mask on, or when they put their mask on for a MSM news recording.
That gets him canceled? Jesus. Really? What ever happened to just saying, “Dude, that was a dick comment. Say sorry and don’t say that shit anymore.”
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
Arranging books by colour is book arranging for people who do not read!
“Because you make your money from our attention and if you didn’t want us to think about you, you’d be a lot less wealthy, so eat the whole meal”
We need to get kids in schools, both for kids, parents, and the well-being of our society and economy. But of course we need to do it safely.
According to a study by Morrison, et al (1967), brown-eyed people need to check their privilege, including but not limited to:
You know defunding police is just going to make it so that less qualified, less competent, less supervised people get into uniform, right?
Also, the Minnesota proposition is laughable. Does anyone here know how to do a seance? Trayvon Martin would like a word with them about “community-oriented public safety”.
the black deaths at the hands of police are countless. Numerous different sources are keeping count. The vast majority include armed suspects that had committed serious felony crimes. The flippant way you say “countless black deaths” is highlighting an issue. So many people, including celebrities, are saying “i am…
Does anyone have a burning desire to uninstall Paint or Wordpad? How about getting rid of that Candy Crush autoinstall garbage permanently? How about letting us uninstall fucking Xbox? It does not fucking belong on business computers, and there’s no reasonable way to remove a host of stuff we don’t want - or to…
I’ve never bought a rental, but every time I’ve bought a car I’ve gone into it with the mindset that I’m going to keep it until it’s no longer mechanically sound. So by the time I’m ready to get rid of a car, I’m not expecting much for sale/trade-in. But if you’re someone who likes to switch it up every few years,…
“And now I'm going to perform experimental surgery to save this man's life!'
Honestly, the rural-urban divide of COVID19 is really important. Quite frankly, rural communities except for places that have gigantic meat packing plants or prisons tends to be far less hit. At the current moment COVID19 is primarily effecting cities, which makes sense as its easier to transmit when more people live…
My sentiments exactly! I use to have Lifehacker set as my start page, and looked forward to reading the articles everyday. I only check it out occasionally now for the exact reason you stated. Attention Lifehacker, you need to stick to articles on how to upgrade your hard drive, and twenty uses for butter that you…
‘How do you benefit from white supremacy as a white teenager?’
In other words, you can make your kid feel guilty for being white all year round. No thank you. You can teach kids about race and treating everyone equally without venturing into the BS topic of privilege.