
The new series should be a total bait and switch: yeah, it’s the further adventures of Jean-Luc Picard... the further adventures of Jean-Luc Picard retired and spending all his time in a holodeck roleplaying a noir detective.

So we’re all in agreement then.

Still, losing your job because some right-wing internet nutjob dredged up tweets from a decade ago is beyond ridiculous. Disney got played and the troll got what he wanted.

He is. Spidey interacting with other Marvel characters doesn’t change. that

It’s important for people to realize that this was an intentional campaign by right wing shitheads to destroy an outspoken liberal artist. Period.

I think the offending tweets were already deleted and, for the most part, apologized for. These were seemingly old news by any standard. The umm “objections” to them were NOT made in good faith.

I don’t think he’d be even close to as good as Bautista in the role

I’m betting Disney is realizing how badly they fucked up by instantly kowtowing to these dipshits after Cartoon Network and the New York Times stood their ground on Dan Harmon and Sara Jeong, respectively.

It did surprise me actually seeing this on here today. I figure it’s too important a development to ignore totally, and the alt-right mention was a nice fucking surprise.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of Gawker websites ACTUALLY covering the damn story properly. First time I see them at least mention that this shit came out of the crap alt-right. In the meantime, my respect for Bautista reaches new highs each day. Hell of a stand up guy going to bat for Gunn the way he is.

Doing this he is likely killing his film career with any big studio. So I am even more impressed he is willing to do it.

Dave continues to prove he’s a stand up righteous dude who doesn’t fuck around.

If anyone is on the fence about this, I want to ease your fears if I can. Mr. Miracle is easily one of, if not, the best comic runs currently. Dealing with an incredible range of issues from suicide to depression to family dynamics... and it’s done in such an amazing way that just has so much care in each issue.

Maybe it’s me, but I never understood why ‘Social Justice Warrior’ was such an insult. The words themselves directly refer to someone as one who fights for social justice aka the equal treatment and rights of all as human beings. That’s not a bad thing.

Stop being a ignorant SJW cunt for just a second and think of this logically.

That’s an awful lot of words to say “I’m a fuckwit, ignore my bullshit.”

Thanks for the incel perspective, Cap.

I think “Asshole” is way too nice of a word for that guy.

Picard learns he has inoperable quantum metaphasic cancer and takes up cooking space meth.

That would be the consumer-centric thing to do. They’d still make boatloads of money from Hulu subscriptions -- especially if Hulu became the exclusive home to Disney streaming. But what they’d RATHER do, is further splinter the streaming marketplace until it’s way more of a clusterfuck than cable ever was.