
Missing the chance, though, for the scene where Blanc takes the long walk down the cell block to reach Ransom, who is standing in his cell and staring back at him.

THIS: “we just don’t give a shit about Terminator anymore.”

Honestly at this point is should be federal law that Nic Cage stars in all Lovecraft adaptations.

Sticking to my prediction that the Picard finale will involve a mic-drop Kirk reveal. 

But any attempt to make it a pure comedy is thwarted by killing little kids just to give Pennywise big moments.

And Patrick Hockstetter.

Love Brie.

Some folks are working really hard to get one of their The Three Investigators sets through the process. The junkyard hideout set is especially inspired.

How did they miss a chance to drop a “darkest timeline” reference during Endgame’s time travel shenanigans?

Well, they did just get a 50% boost in the construction labor market.

This is 100% better than what I suspect the writers have cooked up.

I dunno. Pretty clear GOT is scrambling to set up that “Han comes back to save the day” moment with Ghost with 2 episodes to go. It would be the go-to cliche to deploy at this point. 

Shit. I misread this as the cable channel AMC. 

Or Earth astronauts finally reaching another planet and discovering it’s just a big interstellar toilet.

It think it’s going to end with a riff of the scene at the end of “The Final Countdown,” only the old folks are Steve and Peggy. 

I miss Royal City. I think it was among his finest work, and I think there could have been at least one more arc with those characters.

I’m not as down on the second half of Season 1 as many are. Certainly Cottonmouth was irreplaceable, but I found the rest of the season compelling and thought they landed the finale pretty well. I’m just glad Season 1 exists and I think we will consider to see the influence that season had — giving so many minority

A lot of what I’ve heard about this game make it sound awfully boring. I’m a huge fan of sandboxes and sims, but do we need a game that creates a neede for you to brush and wash your horse, obsessively clean your weapons and go to the barber? And one that has an algorithm for the size of horse testicles in various

Absolutely. He was so good in the flawed version of The Great Gatsby, too, possibly even nailing the spirit of his character (George Wilson) better than anyone else on screen. (Waterston was really great, too.)

Isn’t that essentially that #1 fear of how Infinity War Part 2 will turn out? Time-turner overuse to wrap everything up?