Chris Splendoria

A home run? This article completely ignores multiple other examples of Dunham's disturbing behavior with her sister. Was it done on purpose or out of the author's total ignorance of the actual details of the story?

THANK YOU. The only answer to this question is that it is on purpose they are leaving out the parts you mentioned because in totality it looks really fucking bad.

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

I think Christian von Koenigsegg was at the race. That might have been his car.

Was there last year — rocked with Taboo of the black eyed peas, talked at the bar briefly with Nico Rosberg, and in a personal triumph drank directly from Matt LeBlanc's jeroboam of Belvedere while triple-fisting two bottles of champers and a Red Bull. Best party I've been to hands down. Sorry to miss it, but will be

Freebird took itself out to pasture by being played out. Not to mention it is boring ass song.

Hold up. Don't go insulting Kid Rock. He puts on a hell of a show. Damn hipsters.

Why am I seeing DB1RS?

Luckily I live in Montana

Sounds like you're a little defensive about the Volt. As explained, those are my impressions after an about 10-mile test drive. Also, per the handling, you'll have to consider that the vehicle I was driving as my Daily Driver was a Volkswagen GTI, so my perception of the handling may have been skewed by the GTI. I

Launched when everyone had lost faith in GM, the Volt defied expectations and was a great, forward thinking car.

500SEC AMG gets me tingly in the pants.

This was on last night, the comments made me weep for humanity. Pay your bills on time and you won't have to deal with this. It really is that simple.

be glad it has a new alternator, the big ones are a royal pain to get in with the rb block I taught the squirrels in a campsite some new words while swapping mine in Banff

Like the frightened baby chipmunk, you are scared of anything that is different.

As s Saab owner currently undergoing a bit of maintenance at 108K, I understand how burning the car will save you amazing amounts of money and frustration. It's still wrong, but I get why they'd do it.

popular as herpes? you mean the thing that has been contracted in some form by between 60% and 95% of all living adults? i dunno i don't think i've seen that many aleros

The truck was scraped by another vehicle. Nobody would take the time to key a truck in such a fashion to make sure all the key marks lined up perfectly.

He's massively faster than you and used aforementioned skills to become a professional race car driver. As you are just a punter with a keyboard, we can assume that his advice has significant value to you. Once you have reached his level in Motorsport, then you may wish to seek out the advice of a yet more successful