
Next AC takes place during the biblical Exodus. CONFIRMED.

A friend of mine decided recently to get involved in Destiny and he bought the season pass, which expired two days later. He was so pissed that he never played it again. I’m sure there was some kind of warning or whatnot when he bought it, but he was so mad. 

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve purchased games after they expired from Game pass because I liked them so much (Metro Exodus and a few others) and I’ve double dipped on games so I could play them on Switch (Streets of Rage 4, Ori) because I played them first on game pass. I’m guessing I’m not alone. 

Do I need to have played Spoken 1 through 3? 

Same! $10 was too good to pass up. Just waiting on that next gen upgrade...

But I like Levar Burton. I don’t want them to find some horrible past transgression that he committed. Let’s just enjoy Levar in ignorance. 

Series S is actually fairly easy to get these days. Still follow the advice above, but Series S typically stays in stock for several hours after alerts so no need to stress. It’s certainly not sold out in minutes like the XseX and PS5. 

Nah I’m digging it. As a Switch playing Dad myself, you gotta get some time in before the family realizes you are home. Once he gets beyond that foyer the chaos of family life begins. Best to get in some game time while you can. Eventually one of his kids will find him there of course, but for these brief few minutes

I do think people saw “DLSS” and got his idea that Nintendo would put in the work to make all of their games DLSS compatible. Even if DLSS does end up in some future version they aren’t gonna go back and do that work. 

I don’t believe for a SECOND that Ubisoft will release Avatar on PS5/Xseries only. Disney will want maximum exposure as they release those new Avatar sequels and the PS5/XseX shortage has seemingly no end in sight. 

Exactly. You would get a refurb. 

Worth mentioning that not only is the XseX SSD larger but the storage is much easier to expand with their 1TB expansion cards. Expensive, but still easier.

Games have had paid expansions/upgrades for decades. I’m not sure what makes this unique. 

Great shout out to Golf Story! I just happened to start that game recently as well and the HD rumble on it is amazing. Also, the writing is some of the best I’ve ever witnessed. I never thought I would laugh so much. 

Great shout out to Golf Story! I just happened to start that game recently as well and the HD rumble on it is

Tell us what you really think about crypto Luke! :) 

Wow. It’s so crazy to think how far they turned this thing around. This should be the model for every buggy/unfinished game released. Well done. 

Honestly disappointed. Was hoping for Black Friday-level insanity. This is just like a few dudes kind of rushing. Where are the punches?

It always baffles me that my friends can have amazing OLED 4K TVs and still use like TV speakers. Audio has ALWAYS been as important to me as video. 

Same. The world they’ve built is amazing, but the characters are all so cynical and awful. I just felt terrible every time I played the game. Franklin was the only character that evenly remotely had some redeeming qualities. 

Oh I had no idea. I got that two year PS+ deal last week from them. It did seem kind of shady at the time. Thanks for the info. Never using them again. 

Oh I had no idea. I got that two year PS+ deal last week from them. It did seem kind of shady at the time. Thanks