I have to know more. TELL US ALL THE STORIES.
I have to know more. TELL US ALL THE STORIES.
Mix it yourself! Take a couple of failed shades, smush them together and mix till blended in a small container, and then apply with a brush!
Yeah, if you avoid telling a friend, "You stink," you're not doing him/her any favors, as it will go on to become an issue with the person's future romantic partners, in his/her job, etc.
#34 The flu vaccine is the reason SNL hasn't been funny since [insert year of your choice].
I'm sure there's a nonprofit in your area that helps low-income people find jobs that would love donations of interview clothes.
I read this too quickly and so hoped it would be about Walker, Karen.
Yeah, I can see your point, but it doesn't ring as false for me. It's not uncommon for a quiet kid who feels like an outsider—based on being different from those around him/her, just feeling different, or a combination of the two—to be really thoughtful, well-studied, and contemplative.
Or as Vince Gilligan calls him, Opie Hitler.
Did you really just describe a person of color as "articulate"?
I won't repeat the numerous explanations of why the uterus looks way but instead add this fun fact: newborns have a reflex that deals with this issue! It's called the step reflex, and it causes babies to make a "stepping" or "walking" motion when their feet touch a solid surface. When a reclining mom breastfeeds her…
The fewer interventions the mom has, the quicker the baby has a human-looking skin color. I believe Kate had a natural birth, so this makes sense.
The incident in which Lamar snapped on some paparazzo happened one black from Jennifer's former home.
Well played.
Ha! Indeed. I'm journaling everything I eat right now in order to become more mindful about my food choices and hopefully curb my emotional/boredom eating, and that food journal is the least interesting journal on the planet. "Lunch: oatmeal made with water, 1/2 cup oats, cinnamon, 1 Tbsp. brown sugar, vanilla, 1…
... "Cat Theory," in which he explains that women are like cats because they do not take orders, but can be tempted to chase. They also like shiny new things, crave attention, can become jealous, and rub against you and purr when they like you (Mystery, 2007).
See, I have no problem with places like that, as long as they advertise honestly. If they're upfront and say, "If you're thinking about having a baby, and you want a pregnancy test and information about pregnancy, we can give you that and set you up with some diapers, too. We don't offer medical care but are happy to…
I will bring my special popcorn! (Pan-pop popcorn, drizzle with melted butter and warm maple syrup, sprinkle on a tiny bit of salt and several generous shakes of cinnamon, toss, eat.)
See, this I get. I love to play with hair—black, white, curly, straight, coarse, fine—but only on the heads of friends or family. Wanting to touch another person's hair isn't so strange. Wanting to rub your fingers through a stranger's head, though ... nuh-uh.