
There's nothing wrong with teaching little girls (or boys) that the whole world doesn't need to see their underwear. But the right way to do it is to put some leggings on the kid so they can wear a dress if they want and still do a headstand.

You think her first pet was a dog named 'Gwen' and the street she grew up on was 'Derringer'?

This is more suitable for an "It Happened To MEEE" piece on xoJane than Jez. Siiiigh. Come on. WHERE is the editing?

that everyone needs to stop spelling 'come' as 'cum,' I think. I wanted to put my fist through the monitor every time I read it.

If a sign of "radiant and glowing health" is a killer blowout then Zoe has supreme written over her. 40% of her screen time is her repositioning those BANGING locks.

Ha, "Men's Rights" guys certainty aren't "hardcore bros", they're all these pathetic, sniveling little beta-males. They have shitty shitty lives due to their own shortcomings and inability to get respect or improve themselves, so they blame women.

Remember: With rights come obligations. For instance, when rejected clearly and swiftly, you have an obligation to respect the decision. It is not the time to throw a hissy fit, call the woman names, or have a temper tantrum in the men's room, nor is it something to be waved off as a minor setback in your plans for

A someone who loves Cormac McCarthy's books, and actually saw the movie*, Malkina's aggressive sexuality is just one of the ways she asserts dominance in the typically male-dominated world of drug trafficking. (The other way is... well, see the movie.) Reiner is disturbed because, as he says later in the scene, he

The worst was the one between Michael Fassbender and the random drug kingpin Who was he? Did we know him before? How did he get his number? Why did the drug kingpin have 5 minutes to wax philosophical about the nature of choice and reality???)

I actually saw this movie yesterday. The scene was just one of the many unexplainable, rambling and pseudo-philosphical moments in the movie that left me going "huh?"

I think the whole thing is ridiculous.

Can I just say this is one of the few Jezebel series that is a MUST read for me? One day, I want to be a clean person...

Featuring some of your favorite flavors, including:

When a person purposefully makes herself available for public consumption, the public gets to have opinions about the product on offer. Part of Lena Dunham's product is her self as a personality. I think that product is poorly styled. Lots of people agree with that, and it is not an assessment of Lena Dunham's quality

I agree that she looks frumpy all the time. Her costume person on her show said they intentionally try to make Hannah look frumpy but then Lena herself looks frumpy too so what is she trying to say?!!!!

I personally don't care one way or another if Gwyneth had an affair a few years ago. I came here to say I think she looks really pretty in this picture.

They should have asked Alfonso Cuaron why they didn’t properly explain who the Marauders were in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie. Am I right, fellow nerds!? *raises hand for high five*

I like to think Kanye got pulled over for speeding on the way home, but got off with a warning after he explained the situation to the cop and showed him that picture on his smartphone.

Please, please stop feeding this troll. Let other comments rise to the top of this discussion, PLEASE. I know you're angry and you want to talk some sense into this person but that IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BECAUSE THEY ARE A TROLL.

Every American 16 year old should put down his/her iphone and pay attention to what this 16 year is saying to them.