
Yeah I can see how it kind of discounts women of color with that phrasing.


At the beginning of this, I was like "oh neat a 'haunted' b&b i can take my mom to (she loves those kinds of things)" and at the end I was "OMG my heart, did it stop why is the room so cold are these goosebumps AHHH"

I get what you're trying to say. Race doesn't work like people think it does: it's just mass racism, IMO. Biologically, there isn't such a thing as race as people try to make it out to be, because there actually aren't biological distinctions that strong. Yes, people look different, and that's the end of it. Sucks


Anyone in DFW down for a meet?

Jism was crazy. Also, OMG world, get over yourselves.

Yes! I have the ears too! And it got easier as I got older. For every "satellite dish" comment, I ended up getting two "OMG i LOVE your elf ears" comments. ...Maybe this is due to the popularity of the LOTR movies?

I hear you. How did it end up for you long term? For me, it felt more like a brand, in how permanent the feelings became. Like a giant ass scarlet C.

furthermore: Yeah, as soon as I posted that I realized I was just engaging the troll. But I had one of those "why would someone be so stubborn as to not allow for someone else to be right" moments. I feel no shame for having pride in my organization, and if you're deadset on being prejudiced, I really can't do

See there's your problem. You assume all sororites are the same. Try $1000 vs $100 dues. Some people just don't get the power in numbers idea. Sorry you never got picked.

Right, because paying dues that mostly go towards scholarships and philanthropies is weak. Do some research before you snark.

Same here! :)

THANK YOU! I agree so much. Heaven forbid this girl tries to be polite to her sisters, who are counting on her to fulfill a role they elected her to. SHEESH. An e-mail is completely deserved.

yeah isn't that the whole other reason to do them? (besides the obvs)

Actually, Channing Tatum in glasses would (*almost*) get my vote.

It's not that surprising that they're "dating"(re:publicity) since they'll be in the Mortal Instruments movie together. Which I'm still sad about. He is no Jace Wayland.

I will fully admit that I am one of those that stops responding to messages after being so inundated with horny/spam/form messages. Since apparently no one else will admit to doing that. And it's not just the "wanna fuck?" ones. It's the ones that claim "I'm sooo interesting/what a great smile (at the time i had a

OMG YES I KNOW!! They've actually started releasing some guy products through mary kay under some guy friendly term and I started reading the stuff to see what the big diff is. It seems ;ike they're designed to do the EXACT SAME THINGS.

I agree!! There is such an emphasis on romance vs arranged marriage, etc, etc and I feel that people don't really get that sometimes people do WILLINGLY undergo arranged marriages. In the ideal situation, it's a marriage borne of respect.