
Your comment should definitely not be in the grays. The mean girls don't WIKE being called mean girls, boo-hoo!

Me too, and I don't even like or watch the show. This whole article could've just read "NUH-UH!!!!!! WE'RE STILL MORE POPULAR THAN YOUUUU!" and the takeaway would have been pretty much the same.

Yet again Jezebel is partaking in these antics. Calling a boy a girl because he may seem or act effeminate is not okay. I see this shit all over the Internet from 12 year old boys who think that insulting Justin Bieber* and calling him a woman, or gay, or a fairy, etc. makes them somehow more macho. I really didn't

"What if we cared about those living in poverty as much as we care about celebrities?"

"This is about Vogue, and what Vogue decides to do with a specific woman who has very publicly stated that she's fine just the way she is, and the world needs to get on board with that. Just how resistant is Vogue to that idea?"

Having raised a daughter who loves science, math, robotics, and computers I can tell you that girls are actively discouraged from taking these courses. Unless you are proactive as a parent and insist that your child get the classes they want, teachers, counselors, and administrators will conspire to keep girls out of

Ugh, skin crawling.


You are an insane midwestern person. Double pants and gloves start in the 0-15 Fahrenheit range!

Guys. I ate so well this week. Healthy well. Made delicious chicken-and-lentil soup, which I ate for dinner with salads, and then skyr, dried apricots, wasabi peas, fruit smoothies, steel-cut oats, and almond butter for everything else.

So, I'm TAing 3 classes this upcoming term. I had meetings with all of the instructors and more or less have my walking orders, but term starts tomorrow and since a couple of them have similar responsibilities I'm super anxious that I've forgotten to do something for at least one of them. It's a cool and fun version

I have so much to talk about! (No one cares.)

Tell that to real life.

Some of these (before) pictures are just faces or eyes. I feel that the test is a bit skewed, and it'd be a lot more effective if they just got the raciest fashion ads and showed them in full. A lot of them would look like porn anyway. There's no need to resort to what appears to be manipulation. Even old-timey ads

Look, I like Tom Hiddleston as much as the next gal but...sexiest man alive? You sure about that, MTV?

Suggestion? Don't try to lose weight. Try to be active and eat well. Your body will do whatever it wants to do with that. Stressing about weight isn't good for you, and worrying about a number on a scale is a bad habit to get into.

Good for you for making a concerted effort to work on it.

I met the BF on WoW. He was a night elf rogue, I was a gnome mage. I admired his stealth skills, he admired my arcane blast. We raided together and it worked out perfectly because he only rolled on leather, so I got a better shot at cloth. It's been 4 years now, and we've been through other MMOs (looking at you

"Get rid of unused memberships, like gym memberships or country club memberships." Seriously? If you have a country club membership you are definitely not living paycheck-to-paycheck. Or you're totally delusional.

"Country club memberships" = Big Red Reality-Check flag. For most people I know, it costs so much to move, trade in a car, etc, that the expenses are not affordable for any long-term benefit. Not to mention, hard to move or buy a more efficient car when your credit (and car) is crap. This article is clearly written