10. At least he can't continue to make noise about visitation rights / Amanda Berry's daughter can't be forced to interact with him.
10. At least he can't continue to make noise about visitation rights / Amanda Berry's daughter can't be forced to interact with him.
Let me start by saying that I am currently planning a wedding and, with the exception of about two weeks during which my fiance was oblivious of the need to secure a venue so we could get married on the date we wanted, I have been incredibly calm (my mother, not so much).
This makes a lot of sense. I guess the guidelines about make-up/lotion sort of went in one ear and out the other if they were within the section of my safety course focused on human pathology/animal behavior labs, since I was sitting there like "wake me up when we hit the plant part". I'm kind of grossed out by the…
ah. My experience is in Mathematics, so no lab required. Didn't even think about that.
other STEM-ers can chime in, but I feel like if you're dressed up in a STEM field people take you less seriously and then in the rest of you day you get judged if you don't wear make-up. both are dumb and awful.
I like the cut of this father's jib, standing up for his daughter against his country's predispositions towards misogyny.
No family should have a daughter if this is the fate that lies ahead for women. In this country, it is crime to be born a girl.
Sounds cool! I love "Who Do You Think You Are?" on TLC. I am thinking of joining ancestry.com too. I will probably have no problem with my mom's side - East Coast of Canada and US by way of Britain. My Dad's side on the other hand, will be very hard. He's from Jamaica and his mom is black and grew up very poor so I am…
I have to share this somewhere. Today at 1:30p.m. I marked 9 days (i'm counting by the hour) without binging and purging, the longest I've gone without in five years. I've been bulimic/anorexic for over a decade and this past week has been me taking a stab at normal (I don't really know what normal is) and watching…
That's so interesting. I've just looked into 23andme (as well as National Geographic's Geno 2.0, which is quite pricey). I'm not sure it would be worth it, though, since I basically know my family's heritage is Indian. I don't know how much more I would get out of it.
That's so cool you can find out that information! Cant help with tips for research unfortunately, but my aunt has done a lot of research into her family (my dad's side) and discovered some cool stuff-we're white Scottish, but my great-great grandfather was Black and from Bermuda. His ancestors were African, originally…
I've always been told that I am a talker, but I only talk a lot around people I am comfortable with. I also realized how little I talk and how aloof I come across when I got married. My husband talks All. The. Fucking. Time. He'd talk to a bear if it said hello to him first. It drives me berserk because he has no…
When you're not going to change minds anyway.
How, pray tell, are $1000 designer shoes "worth the price tag"? I do understand the value of good shoes and firmly believe that my $200 shoes are worth the price tag. But what does 5xing that do for a person's comfort or style?
I keep being tempted to try this, especially after hearing the fun results from you and various other people.
23andMe is the best! I got such awesome information, as did my parents. And it even let me (and my doctor) know about some important drug reactions we would have otherwise had to discover through painful trial-and-error. I strongly encourage people to plunk down the $120 or so and get it done.
Woah woah woah... it does disease propensity too?! That's crazy! What diseases does it look for???
That's pretty cool! My husband and I will be getting the genetic testing done before having kids, but only for diseases. This sounds like a lot more fun than just finding out if either of us are carriers for anything.
I've had awful experienced with antidepressants in the past. For a long, long time I was adamant about not being on them. Recently though, I've been suffering from severe depression to the point where I have a hard time leaving the house. My doctor prescribed me generic Welbutrin as an antidepressant, as well as to…
Hey guys! a few weeks ago I wrote on saturday night social and asked for advice on anal sex.