
Scene, movie, either way it's the right call.

Perfectly cromulent grammar.

Which is why NBC is leveraging their cable properties, as they've done for 20 years. They're broadcasting events on Bravo, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC Sports Network, and two dedicated channels for soccer and basketball, respectively.

I've been thinking of a few different routes this could take (won't, but could).

Personally I'm happy with the parallels with Drake & Blake (ie: unmasking Bruce) and with the rhyme scheme. If you use an established name, even McGinnis or Kelly, the jig is up. No surprise, no point.

Veronica's done a great many things, but she's not a "Cosplay burlesque performer".

Meet the cover artist! Jim Pfaffenbach.

Those are a bit bigger.


Yeah, but that scene is undercut by Marcus being a mutinous idiot.

a) Ruffalo was better.

I get it, but one the major things that helped the '09 film be successful as it was was not having to work within existing canon. Trying to continue the TOS crew within those constraints would be a nightmare. You've got limited time between TOS and TMP and again between TMP and TWOK to work with, and you can't do

Amazing what a beard and 40lbs. of muscle will do.

"On the contrary, I'm a new man. I no longer have a need for conquest or power. I'm far beyond all that. I exist in a state of complete clarity - a clarity I intend to share with the universe."

And even fewer know how to connect a Mac to a centrifuge.

I this guy available?

"But this will go into your service record, and to be completely honest, you probably won't be offered a command of your own after this."

Why not? He's already got the hat.