I will order this on DirecTV now jsut to watch the D!
I will order this on DirecTV now jsut to watch the D!
@Turkin4tor: The PC beta was MUCH better than the PS3 beta
@Slimjimlim: He could really use the paycheck to pay for all 48 of his kids.
@Alex_Mexico: Chuck incorporates games also. Hell, he used his Call of Duty strategies to call in support once
WTF? Yar's Revenge was not good enough to be art?
We all have big plans for midnight launches as new managers. However, after 2-3 out of your own pocket and no reimbursment, your enthusiasim begins to fade. (Although there is a budget allowed we never got any. I always wondered where that money went that was alloted to the DM)
@Triffid: Galaxies was a great game..until Jedi showed up
@Helis: I picked it up on Steam for $4.99. Keep an eye out for a sale with number 2 being announced.
I almost bought the real Wampa rug at Celebration. The wife said no.
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Then it must be a very open company, like Dell. I have an uncle who is a VP of a major power company and he had to get his Marine tat removed via laser surgery before being promoted.
@Kensukevic: Try to get a upper management/executive position with tat's and let me know how that works for you
I have a feeling that Tom Chilton will be fired for even mentioning WoW being beat out by another game, never mind the comments of it being free.
@jayc4life: It was the luchadors that I loved in WCW. Not only is La Parka in it, but Vampiro and others. Here is the list according to Wikipedia:
Thanks to #18, I will be buying that game. A Lucha Libre wrestling game = day 1 purchase for me.
Ah, I just found out from GameStop they are expecting to have the Beta codes tomorrow for pre-orders. A day late, but still good.
@Rab39: The Who was a special event based around video games that were being shown. This was to be a video game presentation, but turned into a how much money can we spend to divert the fact we have no new games this year.
I don't know why the comments about saying that PS3 owners should be going out and NOW buying a 360. The MS presser was bleh with the games, but we should all be WOO HOO over a new design? This is the tipping point to get Sony fanboys to buy the system? I don't think so.
They lost me at AFI....seriously
@S1LV3R_F0X: On Tosh.O last night he said something similar. I can't find the video clip...but I am looking...
@John-Hamptonshire: Or Willam in Mallrats.