
Remember you can't have two number 1's....cause that would be 11

@ddmeightball: My wife could literally go into labor within next week, so we are staying home. However, I got a new smoker and i am smoking a turkey. I hope to play some games, because who really wants to watch any football with the Lions playing?

Thanks Fahey, I would of never known about this and been $5 bucks richer today. Now I must spend the money, and annoy my wife with more sound effects from my iPhone.

@L3G10N: My bad, he GAVE the Bills fans the deuce birds.

@Komrade Kayce: Fine, you are right I am wrong. One day I hope I am as cool as you.

@Komrade Kayce: Thank you again for another useless insulting post. And technically I did not quit the game all together, for I have it still on the PS3.

@Komrade Kayce: I wouldn't say I was hostile. You tried to say I was lying about something that was not important to lie about. I am sorry if I came across that way. I was the only low level, in each game. All I did was pick the game type, and it autojoined me into already active games. I don't know why you are so

@L3G10N: I bought the 360 version for online play, for I thought it would be a better service. I already had it paid off and processed before the midnight handout. 5 minutes before handing out the game they did a raffle, in which I won.

@Komrade Kayce: I am telling you I have no reason to lie. I was the only single digit level in Team Deathmatch. Everyone around me was between the mid 20's up to a 50. Not even anyone in the teens.

@ChimDeathmonkey: Oh, the reason I thank those jackbags is because I went and traded in the 360 version towards AC2

I would like to thank Xbox Live members for living up to their stereotypes. I went to the midnight release to pick up the game on 360 for online play, and happened to win a PS3 prestige version in a raffle there. So I have played single player and spec-op missions on the PS3 since launch.

This is the kind of game that just seems better on the PC. Mouse and keyboard is the way to go. I look forward to playing when I get home and finish downloading from Steam.

To anyone playing, have they ever went back to pre-launch gameplay? I was turned off by how they nerfed it launch day so drastically. #championsonline

Uncharted 2 and Brutal Legend! #gametime

@B0Bomb: Technically Broward......It happened in Deerfield.

@bonghammer: Sometimes I wish I could control the banhammer....

I am in South Florida and they just had an update.

I picked it p at midnight, and the game plays out like a movie. I was going to focus first on single player, but when I get home I would love to fight along side Crecente and his magical, flowing hair.