
@PR_Flak: The characters make lots of smart ass comments and jokes, at least in single player mode

@QuietStorm: It doesn't matter where you work. You are in retail, on Black Friday. You are screwed no matter what.

What does Onlnie mean?

Congrats to your whole family!

We went to a christian store the other night, buying some stuff for my ultra-religous brother in law's family. (They don't believe that dinosaurs are real) I saw this there, they had The guitar hero game, and a DDR-christian style game. I just twitched, bought the gifts, and walked out.

@Neko_Tech: I am right there with you. Put it out of its misery.

My wife picked this up, and I like it. So far like modern warfare, it gets pretty intense. I am getting better at multiplayer. It seems like it is a little harder to aim with these weapons, then with COD4 style guns.


@RexCamplain: It seems that FPS based from RTS is not a good way to go. Or else Tiberium would not of been canned too.

My wife is from Texas, and Texans are proud. Apparently, Texas is one, if not the only, state that flies its flag at the same level as the US flag.

I like warhammer, because I can be somewhat casual with it, and have fun. I am beyond the point in my life where I can spend hours, just prepping for an instance. Guess I will be missing out on the new stuff...

I just watched the actual news story. The parents are trying to say that the xbox live community "may have lured" him away from home. Think they are in denial that they called his bluff leading him to actually running away?

@ToastyBuffoon: He may of frozen to death....seriously. It is Canada.

@nerdBOY01: I am glad I saw this here. It makes me think about how I handle my son and his gaming.

If he has been gone 3 weeks, give it one more week and his 360 will get the RRoD. When he calls for tech support, trace the call!

MY copy was missing the code for the Warhammer item. My serial key was good to go though.

@danterandal19: I am with you on that. It sounded free when they were first announcing these "exclusives" for the PS3. $10 bucks is alot for a few more features.

It was more like what I did to someone with a controller. My brother and I were playing FIFA on the genesis, in which I was winning like 182-0. He actually scored on me, and I was so mad, I swung the controller by the cord, and hit him in the head.