Yes more children without their mother please.
Yes more children without their mother please.
Old news, most of those prisoners deserve worse.
Oh snap its a prolapse.
Yes because you took 3 sentences and start picking at everything that I didn't go into great detail about. There are many different avenues to take in regards to being yourself in the workplace. However the general rule of the thumb is to keep work and personal life separate to spare you the drama of potentially…
Just like the woman that wanted to wear a burqa.
Welcome to the internet. And exactly how is this racist?
I wonder what other awesome complaints we can find about other things that don't matter. I'm sure the gay or titty thing is the only thing.
You still don't make sense. You're generalizing a worst case scenario of straights "flaunting" their sexual preference and families where as the requester wouldn't be able to. It would be like me suggesting that the gays that work in my office are free to do just that so everyone should be able to. Some places…
Treating everyone equally would mean treating black like whites. Not generalizing white people as all being privileged and racist and blacks as being African American and impoverished and held back. The gawker community is notorious for these types of things. Not to mention no one is truly equal to everyone else…
So you're lumping in something that is considered standard in the majority of individuals (Ex: Being Straight) as someone whose sexuality is considered "different". I'm glad you are taking into consideration how homosexuals are treated as opposed to their heterosexual counterparts.
Cause no man every realized hes gay after having a family. You are just KILLING IT TODAY.
yeah because talking about religion at work never caused any issues either, amiright?
As an atheist and advocate for gay rights I agree with this in regards to the work place.
Straight people "come out" all the time
No, keep it out of the workplace. You can make friends outta coworkers, and tell them, but theres no reason anyone should have to tell anyone what their sexual preference, or gender for that matter, IN THE WORKPLACE.
Cause you're living a womans stereotype that its never enough and you always want more.