
Yes she can. Thats how they make money.

I'd eat literally eight crabs right now.

Oh get fucked sideways. Anita isn't even a gamer, shes just using it as a platform to further her own bullshit agenda. She considers spending time playing video games "stupid".

Nina Scott, was the guy supposed to find her home number? This isn't creepy, its just a poor sap whose not afraid to ask a beautiful woman out, even if its craddle robbing shes fucking 18.

I wanted to make my own noise, because clearly the alien was only attracted to noise I'd made, not anyone or anything else. I dipped back into my trusty locker again, and watched as the humans came running after me, firing off bullets and then, just like I planned, squashed by the alien.

I approve.

Loooooooooooool Br00tal epic fail bro *sets up for high five*

Of course situations like that would be annoying. In its infancy, especially back in the bf2 days (slower net by the majority of players) I would go as far to say it was harder to make changes that would result in a larger patch. Then again, being on 56k, I would just have my friends burn me the patches.


Some balls deep reporting there.


Well...they are responding to highly coordinated and armed individuals...

The commander system was amazing, albeit infancy. I played since bf1942 release and have just about every title on PC other than bf2142. This game looks pretty fun aside from the fact they're asking for $60 dollars. DLC's/season passes going to be released for this one as well?

Then like sheep those that purchase the latest iteration will sing praises when it should've had these "fixes" in the first sequel. HOLD OFF ON PURCHASING TO HOLD PUBLISHERS ACCOUNTABLE FOR NOT ALLOWING THE DEV TEAMS TO WORK ON CONTENT AND REFINEMENT INSTEAD OF RUSHING FOR THE EARLIEST RELEASE.


Yeah fuck that911 dispatcher for trying to get the information quickly to get respondents quickly to the scene. I mean she has to coddle the woman's trauma and converse with her instead of trying to get actual medical and police personnel on the scene.

Big god damn deal. Its a mode of transportation not something super new and innovative. Focus on shit that matters. I mean shit, look at that immersion.

Might have to do with the personality of the drinkers more than the drinks themselves. I've found people like to fight choose whisky. This comes from a casual drinker that is NOT in the constant night life scene

But its angelina jolie, so its okay. Any other movies, especially those primarily starring men, cannot do this but she can.

The important question is, "Did she cum?"