I don't mind it.
I don't mind it.
Fuckin hell. Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. I don't like it, im gonna whine and bitch about it.
The funny thing is hes also pretty big on anti-gun. GUNS ARE EVIL, says Abraham Lincoln. Now if only being cheap was against the law *buh dum pshhhhhh*
They're engineering 4k/8k I don't think 5k really fits in there. #FixIT#YoLo#TwerkinJerk#sockpuppets4lyf
nae nae, the new twerk?
Courtney love did it. Shes apart of the NWO and flys planes with Chem trails infused with mudkips mudkips mudkips.
Who cares
Right, because if a woman cheats, its because the man didn't pay enough attention. Yet if a man cheats, its because its a midlife crisis. Let me guess the "groupie" was younger? Hes a craddle robbing sick SOB. Yet if a woman gets with a younger man, shes rockin that shit, amirite? Live by what you preach. Double…
Is this actually sexy to women? From what I hear around these forums women don't care at all about looks, just want the spots hit when it comes to getting down to sexy time. The proof showing that women are just as shallow, without outright admitting it?
2 different, biased, points of views that differ from one another and this is special? Dip shits.
Whoa it almost looks slightly less shitty, they should've charged full price.
Horrible musical group, why else are their songs catered that way? Also thanks Jezebel. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know rape is a bad thing, nor would I be inclined to believe all rape cases that end up online.
This is pretty much what goes through my head at varying venues.
Yeah that racist cunt saying shit back in the 80's. How dare she even have the balls to admit to what she did.
do everything in your power not to put yourself in a situation where you could become a victim
The variations between units and the different titans, which I believe you can customize a bit, I can see why the size is so huge. If I do end up purchasing this...my poor SSD...
Southerner knocking up a cousin? And black?! beautiful.
I didn't realize they took it that far. I would hack em just for the funsies, but I'm typically moving constantly, only stopping for long range fights or if I basically lost everyone. Never fails, run around and fight then no one to be seen, lol.