Personally hated COD, didn't expect much from this considering most of the heads are from IW. I wasn't able to put the game down in a 3 day weekend.
Personally hated COD, didn't expect much from this considering most of the heads are from IW. I wasn't able to put the game down in a 3 day weekend.
Does this include toxic spill cleanup? Guestimating the larger warbot he destroys was probably worth that much alone, not to mention production of a new one and purchasing.
Still looks stupid.
People are pissed off about something that has nothing to do with their lives? Tell me gain why this is something new and disruptive.
That stupid son of a bitch taking a job that pays the bills instead of holding out like the true master of the universe that he is. How dare he have to deal with something he disagrees with because of the fact he needs meaningless shit like food, water, shelter and clothing. That pussy ass mother fucker probably…
And I literally do not give one shit if you disagree, because this is not a debate. My human agency is not one side of a thought experiment—it is an objective fact.
lawlz. Didn't the PS3 have absolutely no AA to it? I remember playing it when it first came out at a local target (in between its heat threshold shutdowns) and thought it looked like complete shit. Had something like a GT 7950 or something in it.
The refresh rate of a monitor is different from a TV. A TV will just reply the same frames to fit within the 120hz where as a computer monitor will attempt to sync the variable refresh rate. The difference is that the TV will make it look smoother, regardless, with minimal side effects where as the PC would be…
LOL, couple of thousand would be overkill. Including monitor and a gaming keyboard/mouse you'll only need to spend $1,000 max to get better quality then those 2 consoles. Including an SSD and large HDD.
Like supporting Walmart over a local store that has superior products with a slightly higher price tag? u
er, hive mind 101...
problem are you having a problem that not every other country was racists against blacks.
I wonder what the communities are like. Seeing that people with money typically don't shop at walmart.
Lighten up, its not like they're bashing fellow indie dev's that don't already have a huge following and massive sales. Your choice is yours but I find the defense of a franchise of games that have brought very little change over the course of the titles and DLC's they've released, under the same IP while charging…
This is a summary from regarding The Day of the Triffids.
I like the parts with woman. TWERK ITZ
Yeah I feel lucky that they would not have to remove my testicle if I had testicular cancer. Prostate cancer though, thank god they can't do anything with that
Glad to see his daughter influences him.