Nothing like trying to end the "objectification of women" by objectifying men.
"If men are going to do it, then why can't we"
Nothing like trying to end the "objectification of women" by objectifying men.
"If men are going to do it, then why can't we"
The woman, who was described as "very intoxicated" reportedly made several rape advances to her male seatmate, who refused.
Right, because if they already have dementia then who cares?
On Thursday, she implied that it's been an open secret around ABC that Elizabeth Vargas is an alcoholic.
BAHAHAHAHAHA. how dare anyone try to persuade or coax anyone into anything.
Whoa...its almost like they were paid to do it!
Yeah, how dare those patriarchal bastards keep a grown ass woman from distributing pictures of her naked body for everyone to see. I mean shit, who cares if a 35 year old man is fapping to her pictures in his mothers basement. Woooohoooo, go womens rights!
Whoa...I didnt' care first elder scrolls online at first cause it looks like another Soft-twitch combat game...but this gameplay video makes me interested...
She looks stoned. I'd hit it.
From what I gather in these comments, objectification is perfectly fine as long as its done to men only.
Proof that the female Olympians are perfectly justified.
bahahahahaahahahaahaha. Because being a heterosexual in compromising positions in a sport makes them a little gay.
Hilarious. If you remove the censorship, you see cock and balls. If you jump while censorship, the penis catches air. THIS IS A GLORIOUS AGE OF GAMING!
as much as it pains me to say, this is true. I'd allow one or both my testicles to go if I could trade pancreatic cancer for testicular.
Still curious who doesn't know that cancer exists? Its the same line of thinking that causes people to throw money at the pink ribbon bullshit as if it actually goes towards finding a cure. Donate your money to a cause that'll actually help.
All these comments, assuming the boy didn't have "The talk". Typically rapists had "the talk", yet they do it for power and control more than for the sake of getting off.
Or maybe he likes raping those weaker than him because he feels like he has control.
Corporate suits are playing more of a high risk, short term investment. Throw a bit of money at a title, profit, move on to the next.
Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.
Its a celebrity boxing match. Because thats exactly what you guys have made him, a celebrity. The amount of exposure he has received alone, due to your viewership and coverage, other REAL issues could have been handled. Great job everyone, round of applause.