Sorry, ipad nibbles
Here's a shot of a Gen 1 GTR I took in a parking garage outside of Tokyo last year. Cool, but i can't see it hitting the million mark anytime soon, at least not in the US, where nobody has heard of it
Wait, so you used a Smokey and the Bandit 3 movie poster as your lead-in but the movie didn't make the cut?
Funny, my kids and I watched that movie yesteday for the first time. Why? Because racecar
I think Top Gear covered this when they did a lap in a Prius and then a lap in the M3. Guess what? The Prius got worse MPG than the M3 when doing laps.
I'm on the fence on this one. On the one hand, the only way for its build quality to be worse is if it was actually made in Spain. On the other hand, a complete a row-your-own intermediate from the 1970's. I'll have to go NP!
Didnt we do this qotd recently?
So you now have consolation for Houston not getting a space shuttle
That bridge is close to Maryland Int'l Raceway
We prefer to be called Pastafarians
Nice one! HC for you
I hear the Republicans are taking a serious look at him for 2012