
Cf. Austin Bugeye Sprite

Looks like a PR photo for "Moscow Vice"

They still give out plastic wings! Last week on Delta the pilot gave each of my two boys a trading card with a picutre of the plane on it. Of course they were different cars so they fought with each other over them.

I have in my desk a set of cards from Northwest Orient, which I picked up at a garage sale a few years ago. They serve as a "phrasebook" in 4 different languages, English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Some of the phrases are laughably outdated.

I saw that in the theatre when I was a kid- been trying to find a copy with no success. I do remember the Campbell's Soup Church scene (can't see your video).

Ark II, chimp included

How the fu@k do you fall asleep driving a Trans Am at 100MPH??

$2,275 for a running, driving V-8 stick shift wagon? Nice price all day, except I'm not a big fan of the Three's Company wallpaper upholstery. Plus, I think that's a life-saving Cobb short-throw shifter in there.

I think you're right- Larry S. may have been the painter

Yes, I think Larry Shinoda wanted the car painted to match the shark mounted on his office wall. The design team couldn't match the paint on the car to the shark, so they painted his shark to match the paint on the car.

Corvette Mako- note that the bottom part of the car is colored lighter than the top, just like a shark

Wow, the owner of that camper is gonna be real pissed that some psysho plastered the back of it will all those crazy bumper stickers.

FWIW, Ferrari makes much more money on licensing/merchansiding than it does on actual car sales. the Stratos could have easily fit in.

ooops wrong Kenny Powers

We're losing him . . . get me the crash cart and 100cc's of Asbirin . . . OK . . . CLEAR!

I'll see your blower and raise you a jet engine

Exactly what I was thinking- they should have used FI

Obligatory: Why? Because NOT racecar

It seemed a little incongruous. The Colombia exhibition was right next to the R&B exhibition, which is where the music is coming from. Also, the siren sound is from the Jeep. You can see the Smithsonian Castle behind the R&B tent.

Sorry, I did it for my 3 and 5 year old boys. It was also over 90F and dusty. Also, if you pay close attention, you can hear that my wife has had enough of that demo.