
HC for the Cobb reference

Which one is more likely to be seen with a douche?

You lost me at the automatic transmission

What happens when you let a Frenchman design your nation's capital, and that capital is not in France

Pitts was the passenger

Need moar disco ball

If GM was smart they's sell as many of these "forbidden" vehicles as possible under the same ruse.

He doesn't fold up the guest towels in his powder room= FAIL

Smartest marketing move ever by Pontiac

Damn you beat me to it. Nice choice!

Hey, it's Massachusetts- what do you expect? Bring it to a more gun-friendly jurisdiction like Lousiana or Georgia.

I hear he's moved on to mining for Hot Wheels and gold fillings from streets of the Philly suburbs

Robotic Johnnycab from "Total Recall"

I dunno, most driving mouth breathers have enough difficulty driving in only two axes

Don't give up hope- GM applied for a TM registration for "CROSSVOLT"