
The Road by Cormac McCarthy

I'll give $500 and go LeMons racing.

I feel stupid, so here's a rabbit with a pancake on it's head.

Just imagine what it will look like once it ripens.

As those physicists noted, gyroscopic forces alone are not enough to keep a bike upright when moving by itself; in the same vane, it is difficult for a rider to balance a stationary bike. It is only when the two combine that they compliment eachother and manage to balance.

I always thought they were powered by the rider's sense of self-importance.

charges are in the top left someone pointed out. MACS are fuel air explosive devices.

top left corner of the video notes different charge types

i win

Civil Law 101 - Sue everyone and wait for the out of court settlements. The lawyers will throw as much as they can in as many directions as they can. Lawsuits are costly, but more so in terms of time and legal fees than actual judgments. Plus there are some dynamics at play, too. First, there is the very slight

Right. But the dealerships don't have as much money...

Well, Robert. I guess we can say you have some outstanding...war ants.

Maybe someone should put together a TrueBlood compendium and bestiary to help pull it all together. This willy-nilly thrusting of new aspects and arbitrary possession of powers without contextual explanation is annoying.

Humor belying a dense subject matter.

While Dinan may not crank out the maximum horsepower for your buck among BMW tuners, I will say from personal experience that their customer service (when dealing with any issues I've had) has been first rate. As a tuning company, generally I find they're not bad if a bit conservative. When it came to supercharging

Here's my answer, Jeopardy style.

Q How do they make sure the Geiger restaurant isn't over capacity?

Sooo many cooling systems ready to go bad lol