That’s an easy one!
That’s an easy one!
I just keep banging my head on this one. Why, in the name of almighty dollars, did Oil not invest any of its years and years of multi-billion dollar profits into replacing itself? Were they really so satisfied with themselves that the thought never occurred to them?
That skirt is just best.
Somewhere Werner Herzog is sharing a story about Mr. So-and-So Dick.
The first world series I remember really getting into were called by McCarver and McDonough and McDonough just carried the booth. He was funny, but not self-important, and made McCarver looked addlepated and plodding. Turns out it wasn’t just McDonough doing that.
No wonder no one is watching football. It’s so derivative!
I miss watching Sean McDonough on broadcasts that people actually watch (which I guess means MNF is out, but I digress) because he’s as honest as they come. I wish like hell that viewers and broadcasters could get comfortable with his sardonic outlook, but it seems like flyover america isn’t responding too well…
And not before time.
First slide of the marketing powwow that got that stadium named:
Bra-vo. You’ve made my day.
I know we’ve all gotten used to it by now, but does Mike Pence know what the word ‘literally’ means? I’m hoping someone better at Photoshop can show me what the literal graphical interpretation of “wider areas of the world (spinning apart)“ looks like.
Hard not to feel broken up about this one.
A little elucidation wins the day. Thank you for clarifying a little. While I have noticed a good number of professional peers missing the boat on many of the problems that plague the “rank-and-file,” your underlying point makes more sense to me now.
That’s true, I suppose I am. But sometimes the signals aren’t just noise. Besides, didn’t you read the first tip on this post? I’m just trusting my gut.
Couldn’t the news flash be that maybe you yourself are more susceptible to #3, while many other folks have a different experience entirely? Sounds to me like you might be more the problem than the solution.
For the purposes of the usual false equivalency exercise, imagine if the situation revolved around Carmelo Anthony doing the same thing. Is Carmelo a “kid?” Heavens no, he’s a “thug.” We all know that.
But what if middle (flyover) america had to watch an angry black man on TV in the morning? Why, their delicate sensibilities would never recover!
Because we make allowances for the behavior of “kids” in general, and paler kids more specifically. This is racism, sexism, and ageism all rolled into one tightly wound little parcel. We call that parcel “politics in America.”
Fair play. I guess I meant Joe Buck as a media personality rather than a broadcaster, but concede the point with no argument.
Counter-counterpoint, both of these realities exist in equal measure and Joe Buck is actually a shape-shifter.