Chicken McNobody

Color me shocked. A list (of anything) that requires subjectivity to create caused people to both agree and disagree with the author. Some more stridently than others.

My favorite part is when he says that Minnesota is “even more unbalanced as a team” and then wonders (online) out loud what the fuck “more balanced” means.

This is well-done satire. Bravo!

I’ll sound like an idiot (one could argue that that is in fact what I am), but I can’t stand console sports games. I hear developers pay lip service to “realism” and “advanced physics” and shit like that. All I get when I play those games is over-the-top rubber band logic and physics that would make my 4th grade what the first paragraph should’ve ended with.

Same thing happened to my Olds 88 (Brougham edition, damn right). It started acting wonky when I filled it up on cheap gas (what do you want for $.99 a gallon?) after running it damn near dry. Floaty is a great way to describe it, because the gauge would move around whenever I went up or down a hill.

If I had hair like her’s, I wouldn’t cover it either.

Couldn’t agree more. I hear snippets on ESPN radio and think to myself “why would you want to advertise your show this way?”

Sensitivity don’t enter into this discussion. Just like it didn’t in Minnesota. This is a push by a highly organized and carefully calculating professional union whose only charge is to make more money for their officers.

Not moonlighting, but they can volunteer for that work detail. If they all remove their names from that volunteer list the department will likely just assign bodies and they won’t get that sweet, sweet OT.

BobbyBigWheel. Damn Whalers fans.

+1 Wild Sheep Chase

I remember as a kid rooting hard against those Tennessee teams, wishing all the worst to their coach and painting her as the portrait of villainy. She seems to have been as far from my image of her as could even be possible. She doesn’t deserve the lot she’s been saddled with. I wish her peace when the time comes.

Jiri Welsch is still alive right? Right?

Try a layup with Chris Childs. Best glitch ever.

I haven’t seen the fight yet, but if that screen cap shows the ref I think it shows (Jack Reiss), we probably got more screen time of him talking than Golovkin fighting. Wade’s record may say 18-0, but it’s already been blemished by Sam Solimon. The refs didn’t care for his style so they penalized him points, but

Yeah Sarah! We're stupid! So pander to us!

Forgive me for piling on here, but the game says EA on it right? There wouldn't be any other outcome. They'll fix things when we stop buying them.

If you don’t think you and I are both just agreeing with the title of the article, I don’t know what to tell you.

There’s no disagreeing with your point. I happen to think your team isn’t my favorite, but give yourself some credit. You’re right.