Chicken Sedan

Aw, I want to be your mother and do everything right for you!

Of everyone to license to, I think Prince would be OK with Shonda if it wasn’t during anything amoral and wasn’t cursing and wasn’t a blood transfusion.

You are doing a smart thing. Good luck, and I get you’ll be just fine!

There are some that hide the ugliness, but they are all (not just x-tians, but all western religions, and most others world religions as well) like this. When you walk around with what you think is a cosmic get out of jail free card, and you believe this life is just a warm-up for the next, you are a colossal asshole.

Didn’t you know that the Bible is a choose-your-own-adventure type book? You don’t have to follow ALL of it... just the parts you feel like following.

He should’ve. OTOH, I’m not so sure that someone who appeared and performed on New Girl would’ve had a taste issue with Grey’s Anatomy.

I consider myself a Christian but don’t preach or thump. I don’t care who you marry or what bathroom you use. I think there are many more reasonable Christians out there like us than there are ridiculous idiots. They just yell louder while the rest of us don’t care.

Consider a durable power of attorney in the event you become incapacitated, though, especially if you’re not married. You can designate someone to make medical decisions for you, as well as someone to make financial decisions for you.

The hospital denied her because she had already miscarried and was asking for them to bury her fetus, a service they dont provide.

Story doesn’t add up. At 8 weeks a miscarriage would look like a blod clot. Also, under EMTALA the ER has to see her and can’t discharge her until she’s stable. If she showed a HCP her miscarriage, I can’t imagine that they’d let her walk out with it. It’s either human remains or - and I’m not trying to sound callous

Miscarriages can be medical emergencies. Ruptured placentas can bleed out, it could be ectopic, parts of the fetus could’ve stayed in the uterus and cause a deadly infection.

There is a blob that is unmistakable to a trained eye, but definitely not to someone not looking for it. Just looks like a big clot, really. But if all the blood and other fluid soaked into the purse, maybe it was more recognizable as more than heavy menses? I am assuming that it was not in a container other than the

I feel like even prince would laugh at this. man i wish he was still alive... signed resident of minneapolis sobbing

I wish I had tons of any disposable cash. I would bail this woman in a second and pay for the most beautiful funeral she needs, and needs to attend, to send her angel off in peace. May she find peace, somehow. The loss of a child at any stage is one of the worst things that can happen to a woman.

jail isn’t prison and how noble of you. maybe you should bail her out and get her to a clinic.

Only if she gave them a signed consent form explicitly permitting them to disclose to the media.

No, they wouldn't.

From what I know in Portugal drugs (also the recreational,illegal ones) are subject to the Health Department. Not the Justice Dept.

I agree 100%. I almost smoked myself to death. Heart attack, Stent, now cigg free.

I have fibromyalgia, and I’m treated with an epilepsy drug that has no addictive properties, no side effects and has me completely pain-free. It’s horrifying to reflect that, if I lived in the US, I would likely have been prescribed opiates. That stuff should ALWAYS be the absolutely last resort.