Chicken Sedan

You’re tougher than a coffin nail. I’ve had kidney stones since age 10 and have other issues that necessitates me seeing pain management. They say kidney stones are like childbirth for men and the thought of someone enduring that kind of pain without help just kinda floors me. And it’s not like I don’t have a huge

Epidurals are administered by anesthesiologists. Even if you are in a hospital and want one, they call in the anesthesiologist to do it. It taps directly into the spinal cord. You do NOT want anyone but a highly trained specialist doing that.

Ohmigod! Going to Southdale at Christmas was the most wonderful experience ever-with all the birds in the center court and the giant tree. Daytons also used to create a Christmas adventure of some sort every year that I was obsessed with as a kid.

I live near Southdale but work near MoA. I’m constantly pitting the two Sephoras against each other for my affections!

It’s depressing walking through the downtown Minneapolis “Macys” that was the flagship Daytons. They’ve let almost the entire store fall into disrepair and the one section they renovated, cosmetics, looks exactly like every other cookie cutter Macy’s I’ve been to. It’s a sad day to see history just tossed aside and

OHHHHHHH, THIS RUMBLE IS SO ON. I’m gonna grab some of our awesome beer, you grab some of your awesome cheese and we meet at the St Croix River crossing at high noon for a passive aggression off and to complain about those FIBs (“Fucking Illinois Bastards” for non midwesterners).

RIP all the regional chains bought out by Macy’s, honestly

Southdale was the first fully enclose and climate controlled mall ever build. Valley Fair opened as fully covered but not enclosed and climate controlled. SUCK IT WISCONSIN, WE BEAT YOU AT EVERYTHING.... but football.

I have such a fondness for Southdale. My mom grew up very nearby, and remembers being taken to the opening. We used to visit when I was a kid, and it was so much fancier than the local mall in my hometown; it was always a huge treat to go there for a girls’ day out with mom and grandma. I still go every time I visit

Except we don’t have sales tax in Minnesota, so everyone would rather go to Edina, sorry. :)

What’s really strange is here in MN where we made indoor malls because of our absolutely horrendous weather are now reverting back to outdoor shopping centers to mimic the “communal” outdoor centers in CA. But...this is MN and it’s either 90 degrees and extremely humid, 30 degrees below zero with -50 windchill, or

It’s ok, cheeseheads are just like that. We sophisticated Minnesotans with our skylights and fish ponds and sculpted trees simply hold our noses and smile tightly.

Don’t you think we should wait a bit before we put what may be a family murder on the shoulders of our political opponents?

Can any of you well-versed in beauty products Jezzies recommend a good, strong sunscreen for face? It’s starting to get warm again, which means I am keen to get my toddler OUTSIDE as much as humanly possible after being cooped up with her, the husband, and the cat in a 900 square foot apartment all winter. Would love

She liked my tweet once and I told everyone about it for a week at least.

I think it’s part of the pathology. You need to be good at controlling, manipulating, projecting and shifting blame to be “successful” at sexual abuse. Those are also useful traits if you want to be rich and powerful. And since many of the rich and powerful see sexual conquests as being part of a package deal...

I will never understand the appeal of a few rogue toes peaking out from an entirely covered outfit.

If you do berries, consider using netting to keep birds off. Those suckers can easily clean off all your berries before you get to them. :(

Oooh! I just got an email yesterday from Sephora that I’m now off the wait list for their monthly beauty box! JOY!

To be fair, I also love how pot stickers look.