Chicken Sedan

Oh God sanctimonious moms. Those moms who post bullshit statuses like, “while you’re out clubbing and acting a hot mess, I’m taking care of my precious baby!” But weren’t you clubbing before you got knocked up? Now all of sudden you’re above that? *eyeroll* shut up.

I can’t even go two rounds with one person, I admire that sort of stamina.

Why pass judgement on anyone involved? As long as all were willing participants, alls good. Maybe use better birth control measures next time though.

Gotta love how all the judgment is thrown that the woman, and not at any of the 25 dudes who had sex with her, presumably quite well aware of what was going on.

I'd cop that tude too, if I only got to sit in first class for ten minutes and then had to fly in a cage. I'd probably fuck someone up because I hate taking pictures.

Actually there are a lot of Native Americans in western ND.

I can't tell where the walls begin and where the end...

I don’t think looking at how many of the very bottom make it to the very top is particularly useful. Mobility from lower to middle class seems more important. My city is in red on that map, but I myself am an example of someone who went from growing up below the poverty level and making it to middle class. And a fair

The key thing here is that they sanitized it AFTER these men contracted MRSA. This was and continues to be an issue for athletes. It was negligence. The main reason for contracting MRSA (in this scenario) is not properly cleansed equipment. :(

Why would you want a slow cooker to turn off?

Why would you want a slow cooker to turn off?

My daughter was not one of the Popular Clique at high school. She accidentally started a Not-popular Clique (where anyone was allowed to hang out with her and her friends, but any attempt at Mean Girl shit was ruthlessly shut down), and they did not take it well.

And filming it, too, no less.

They weren't the first to come up with this idea...

I'm slowly but surely starting to kick my agoraphobia's ass and it feels fucking amazing. A few weeks ago I walked four blocks to the grocery store, shopped, and walked home, all without freaking out. Now I can take the bus for about five minutes and go out to lunch by myself, and I grocery shop a few times a week.

Yep. My son, at 8 years old, was all sad in the car when I picked him up from school because, and I quote, Imani 'rejected' him. I explained that she didn't reject him, she just didn't like him the way he liked her, and that's going to happen a lot in life, and that it is OK, and Imani is still a nice girl, and he's

It's really, genuinely scary to me how many otherwise rational people go for that. The whole world is chemicals.

Good god. I have a legitimate eye twitch that pops up whenever someone uses the word "chemicals" or "toxins" to explain why something is "bad."

Yes! The naturalistic fallacy is dangerous. So many people are afraid of "chemicals." You know....chemicals! Like water! Scary dihydrogen monoxide. Terrifies me how many engage in this. Your doctor will help you supplement if medically you need to supplement!