After 30 seconds of research and 5 minutes of amateur photoshoppery, I'm ready for tomorrow's post. Bring it on.
@Reactant: Well, that's an old account, with an old, old old-ass password and email address. Still not happy about it.
@ARYXANDRE: Don't apologize to Mercenaries 2. Mercenaries 2 knows what it did.
@WrongThinker: My point is, probability dictates that you're on the list of names they got, and if your password isn't cracked, they've got 200k using the same system, and it's only a matter of time. It's just safest to assume you've been affected, sadly.
@WrongThinker: My point is, probability dictates that you're on the list of names they got, and if your password isn't cracked, they've got 200k using the same system, and it's only a matter of time. It's just safest to assume you've been affected, sadly.
@WrongThinker: There were about 1.3 million users on the list, with about 200,000 passwords cracked.
@Chewblaha: Exactly. What a shitty, cavalier attitude to have when you become aware that the user login info for 1.3 million of your trusting users has been stolen and put up on TPB. Real dickish of Lawson.
Red Dead Redemption, easily.
Fallout New Vegas. Disappointed that I haven't played it till now. I let all the talk of bugs and whatnot get to me, but it's a fucking fantastic game, and not any buggier than Fallout 3! And I dumped like 160 hours into Fallout 3.
@otis123: I know he was terrible at creative work, but he didn't die or anything... He stayed on with whoever it was PP&L sold them to, right? Kinsey's a great character. I'm sad we didn't get to see him in season 4.
@mricyfire: This isn't an in-depth review. It requires a considerable amount of skill, honestly.
Holy shit. I've got to applaud the guy. He's taking the trip of a lifetime with some very creative planning, and doing it extremely efficiently.
Just makes me wonder where the fuck Paul Kinsey's been in Mad Men's 4th season.
@StubbornScorpio: Long years of playing videogames have taught me that that's an AK-74u, a Kalashnkikov-made submachine gun based off of the wildly successful AK-47.
I've got my grandfather's old Submariner. Not as old as this, though- my father gave it to him as a present in the late 80's, and my dad bought it new. It's still a hell of a watch, and I'll wear it until I have someone to pass it on to, whether I decide that's a father-in-law or a son. Great, great watch, and…
@ColbertForPrez: They pulled it off. Netflix renewed their ABC contract, giving them all of this new content, plus the ability to stream Lost for a long, long time.
I second the call for old-ass Disney Channel movies. I want to stream Smart House and Brink to my iPhone.
All of these things, although I think we can leave Ezio and the early 16th century behind us with Brotherhood.