@Perhaps Not: /nods
@Perhaps Not: /nods
@apollon: Nope, Mass Effect 1 is the perfect entry point to the franchise. Why the hell would it be anything else?
This is really damn cool. Makes me wish I played Eve.
@WrongThinker: It's fucking Civ! I didn't buy my MBP to game on, but I'd like goddamn Civilization to be available on the thing.
What the hell? No Mac version? Lame.
Why the fuck is there a photoshop of Green Day's American Idiot? That came out in what, 04? The N64 kid getting a Wii was pushing it as far as early-90s goes, since the 64 came out in 96, but the American Idiot 'shop is just plain dumb.
The star of the Brave and the Bold show is John DiMaggio (Bender, Marcus Fenix) as Aquaman.
@retrac: I'm down.
Houston? Anyone? Should I bother?
@Archaotic: Just as bad? Maybe. Worse? No one knows, except for the person who was harassed.
I took that boat, years ago, to that same private beach. Wonderful. We also met an American ex-pat playing guitar in a beachfront bar, who took us in his little fishing boat some twelve miles out to the Marietas islands, which had some of the most beautiful wildlife for snorkeling in the world. Massive schools of…
@RAMeyer19: You stay back there behind that corner. No poking your head out.
Oh, good. I was afraid Detlef Schrempf's (brilliant) guest appearance on Parks and Recreation would be his swan song. Good to see the Schrempf's coming back.
Kidding aside, that was actually a really deep, technically impressive game, and a lot of fun if you got to know your way around it.
Hey! Chinatown Fair! Me and some other Kotakuites met up for a weekend there. I played KOF 1998 with WreckTheLaw, Time Crisis 4 with Scazza and DaiMacculate, and BlazBlue with ZanzibarLegend. Scazza and DaiMacculate pictured above. Not to scale.
@josh6135: Multiplayer's quite fun, too.
@josh6135: Visual style. Meant to look like a low-grain, poorly-compressed web video. Odd, but neat. And it's pretty fun, too.
Absolutely. My grandfather left me his Rolex Submariner watch when he passed away, and it's one of my most prized possessions. I'll wear it until I pass it on. Definitely an heirloom, and one beautifully-functioning gadget.
@ModernBawhair: Still nice if you can manage to get her back to your place, though.
Downloaded and installed. Don't have work tomorrow or Wednesday. Wasn't a planned absence; I guess God just wants me to slaughter plenty of Zerg filth.