
@Bryon Farris: Not just here, but on the front page, too.

What in the world is going on in here?

Those are dope as hell. I want some.

@Rosa Golijan: Not quite as titillating as Dash's, but thanks for sharing! Wonder what other Gawker Network writers have in store. Would like to see, say, Owen Good's, or Jim Newell's.

It is just a fucking telephone.

@tim rogers: I would play the everliving shit out of that.

@SFLegend: Adds context to a picture of a steak cut into the Apple logo.

I was wondering when they'd update it. Thanks.

@Myst3ry: You are. Not starred, but approved.

Last night's dinner, taken with my iPhone 4.

Missed this one, but I took this photo today, and I love it. iPhone 4 camera, no manipulation.

Man. I was only interested in this movie due to the chance Glover might have a shot. Sad to see he didn't seem to get one.

@kilevvri1: Your sister is really hot.

What the what.

@elementary: Hahahahahahahahaha... Oh, you.

I love Fallon. His jokes sometimes fall flat, but he's just a good dude, and his show's pretty damn good.