@Tyrunn: First console I owned was an N64. Got it for Christmas, 2000.
@Tyrunn: First console I owned was an N64. Got it for Christmas, 2000.
I've got a copy on each system for multiplayer purposes. The PS3 version is a little paler, a little... cleaner, and a little more prone to texture pop-in. Still a fantastic game.
Happened to me once. I was playing multiplayer last night with a bunch of people from here. We played for almost five hours. Anyway, Archaotic shot me in the head, and when the kill-cam snapped to him while I respawned, his rifle was invisible. Not really something that's bothering me.
I am currently playing Red Dead Redemption with nothing on but a headset and a smile.
@sentroshi: It's the paperboy from the movie Better Off Dead. He wants his two dollars.
You can download movies from PSN?
That first one is the reason I either buy new games at launch or from a major retail chain.
@MattinglysSideburns: +1
Reach beta, maybe some JC2, probably some Torchlight and/or Civ IV.
RED DEAD REDEMPTION. Next week. Are you guys as excited as I am?
@blehbleh13: Yeah. It's been bouncing around the internet for about 2 years now, at least, and it's just gorgeous.
God, I love that render. I want one.
I absolutely love YMFY. Hipster douche in San Francisco who works for Timbuk2, but his Tumblr's fantastic. And it just keeps going.
@Ryodestined: I'm sure Nintendo corporate is browsing Kotaku and will take your requests into consideration.
Man, I was all excited to see this preview, and my theater didn't show it before Iron Man 2. Bummer.
@Shrewsbury: I'd buy that.
I am loving it. Although I may or may not have thrown my controller and ragequit when I got killed inches from the drop point while carrying 12 skulls in Headhunter.