read first. this is about a college game, and college player. read first. read first. then read first again.
read first. this is about a college game, and college player. read first. read first. then read first again.
Ok, tough guy, you stand there and let somebody break your leg and risk your career, all over a small chance to knock the ball out, and then let's see who's a "pussy." (Which is a mysogynist slang term that says far more about the speaker than the object of derision).
Takeaway: WHITE.
You know as someone who has been called nasty names like kike and been asked before "what kind of people make the best fire wood???" before you would think I'd be used to the hate, but nope, this is something that should never be something someone is "used too". Anti-semitism is still incredibly strong in our society…
He's a teenager and in most black communities he would be referred to as a boy still. I'm black myself and grew up in a Southern majority black neighborhood, so don't try pull that false race concern stuff that is so common on the web.
Why do you guys wanna lynch this 19 year old black boy so bad? The investigation didn't even go to trial, the evidence and witnesses (which included the accuser's friend), were in his favor, and he's been courteous dealing with the media about it when he really doesn't have to be.
Riley Cooper is really playing well with all this white powder.
Don't compare greatness to mediocrity. I respect what Patrick stands for, but it's not even close to the same. Jackie Robinson was more than just the first, he was an exceptional player who didn't have the privilege to coast on his sex appeal and "girl power."
Shooting mechanics weren't terrible, just not the norm. It feels fine once you get used to it. I use free-aim and it's a breeze now.
Yeah, it's not like two brand new consoles launched this year with full launch lineups, and we saw amazing triple A games like The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, and Super Mario 3D World come out.
Just stating the facts.
Thank you. If you read the full (200-page) report, you'd see that she told multiple versions of events (drunk, drugged, hit on the head...) and yet even her friend, not just the other two eyewitnesses, said she saw the girl get in the cab with them fully aware of the situation. The girl even asked the friend if she…
Since this is jezebel, the idea that maybe she actually was lying is just totally out of the question.
Kind of confused how she wasn't instantly shot and killed. Police dream of golden opportunities to shoot people like this.
Yes I remember that, and I loved it. The changes only made things worse from that point on.
Are you talking about the Jets coach who took a shot at a punt gunner who got blocked onto the sideline? That's less than not contacting a player?