
The music scene in Michigan is almost based entirely in the southeastern portion of the state which is far more city & suburb than small town & country.

So was the goal to look as unintimidating as possible? Because that may be a nice strategy they have there.

*Average Asian

All the new characters look so incredibly unique. I love what Sakurai is doing so far.

It'll probably be really hard to land. Like DK charged punch. Jigglypuff's Rest is damn near 1 hit KO and it didn't help her at all in Brawl.

Bad things happen before I get my coffee lol. Thanks.

I realize there are those that would rather revel in the feeling of being superior than correct someone else's honest mistake and that's what I felt was happening. I meant meme's in general when I said that, not just mine alone since it sounded as though Michael was critiquing everything from the missing word to the

I know it's Sunday but I can't imagine being bored enough to check the grammar of meme's. I'm happy I could help you.

Chu mad?

They should also post Michael Wilbon's response today where he said Lebron is not a flopper because every player does it.

Tebow, save us.

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

There's been a whole lot of teams that "should've won" and didn't.

O ma god!

I noticed the background before I noticed the soccer ball lol

You want some Proactive for the pimple, buddy?

You didn't like Fang's voice? Wow, she was my favorite. Imo the worst voice is Lightning. She just sounds too old. She has the voice of a 40 year old rebel.

Did anyone else hear her accent go from British to urban america?