
"emo melodramatic teenagers"

"The first 5 hours alone made me rage"

Well I would be lying if I said I wasn't hyped for Versus but I do agree it's a little over hyped at the moment. Now that I think about it, from the beginning XIII was hated while Versus has always been loved lol. The fandom is strange.

To this day I still can't figure out where the Final Fantasy XIII hate train came from. People were dissing it long before it came out and it only continued afterwards. It's like fans huddled up and agreed to never say anything positive, ever.

Thank you very much ^^

I swear this game JUST popped into my head about an hour ago. I think im psychic....

This is one I made the other day

Between this and the in-game voice chat with the Game Pad, it seems Nintendo is leaving a lot of this up to the consumers to find.

I was wondering when this was going to hit the web. Mines froze up while playing Nintendo Land. I thought it was my Wii U but I went to Miiverse and saw plenty of other people reporting the same thing. Everything is all good now though.

You do realize that if you scroll up you will find an article explaining why Miiverse is good, right?

Yep, I sure have. I'd imagine you would have a different opinion if you had hands on experience with it as well.

Miiverse is insanely awesome. It connects you with other gamers around the world in the most literal way. I've had just as much of a blast on Miiverse as I have with the actual games.

It's hilarious how 10 years ago no one would have cared at all.

Hmm I bought my Wii U and went over to a friends house to try it out last night. When we started the update I was tired and wanted to go home so I just unplugged it. I set it up at home and it updated no problem. I guess I'm a little more fortunate than others.

Now playing

Everytime I hear this song I wish Nintendo would go more of this route.

I mean, we're using their product. Sound's like simple feedback to me. The wording in this article is a little extreme. Might excite a few of the Square Enix haters.

I thought we were being honest?

It's a competitive fighting game team based in New York which have/ had some of the best players in the world; the most notable being Justin Wong (many years ago).

To be fair, non of those people look or sound like first adopters of any gaming system. It's a running joke for men that can tolerate any and all animated shows whether they like it or not. I was in a anime club once at school and nearly all the dudes in there watched what ever came on nickelodeon and cartoon network. Even the morning shows for 5 olds. So it's no problem for them to sit